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soonha quickly covered his mouth with her other free hand before wonwoo could even speak. she jerked her hand gently away from his hand while wonwoo tried to speak- but only muffled words were heard. "i will remove my hand if you stay silent." she said, narrowing her eyes.

wonwoo nodded his head, so soonha removed her hand. the car came into halt- signalling that they had arrived back at the dorm. soonha carried her bag with her left arm whilst pulling her right sleeve down- as if it would stretch longer.

"whatever happened to you, im telling soonyoung about this." wonwoo said, quickly getting up from his seat and dashed outside the car to chase soonyoung who was already out of the car. soonha sighed, and just leaped out of the car and inside the building.

one third of the boys were already inside the elevator, so soonha waited with the others outside the elevator for their turn. she kept pulling pulling her sleeve down, feeling her wrist sting. but despite the pain- she had a stoic gaze on.

along with her were jeonghan, seungcheol, junhui, minghao, seokmin, chan, hansol, jisoo and jihoon. the door finally opened and soonha quickly entered the elevator- beating everyone to it. "move out suckers!" minghao said, pushing junhui and seokmin back sohe could enter first.

hansol and jisoo entered calmly, whilst chan pushed his way in too- like minghao. "but i need to fucking pee-" jihoon groaned and tried to pull minghao out, but minghao stuck his tongue out and quickly pressed the '>|<' button so the door would close.

"you fucken noodlehead-!" jihoon managed to say before the door closed, causing minghao to snort.

soonha wasin between minghao and the wall, having a great space between them. while the others were suffocating on the small space. "shua hyung your hands are on my-" chan said, quickly removing jisoos hand from his you know that he unintentionally placed because of the small space.

"ugh why is it so stuffy in here?" hansol groaned and tried to push them. "its because its spacious between soonha noona and minghao hyung!" chan pointed out- when he saw how spacious it is. "minghao please move." jisoo said. minghao stuck his tongue out. "mind your own business." he said.

soonha was just watching silently, hand on both sides while watching them bicker. why is the elevator taking so long. she thought. "just move you dick-" chan said and started pushing minghao. and soon- the boys started to help him push.

they finally pushed minghao closer to soonha, gaining a little bit space that was enough for them to breathe. minghao stumbled to soonha- accidentally squishing her injured wrist between him and minghao. she couoldnt help but yelp at the sudden stinging pain on her wrist- making the boys look at her confusedly.

minghao snorted. "youre overacting, i just stumbled on you but yo-" but minghao didnt finished his sentence when soonha suddenly lifted her injured wrist. she pulled her sleeves up and the boys saw a bloodied handkerchief wrapped around her wrist. "are you okay?" jisoo asked, squishing between hansol and chan and tried to look at her wrist.

she quickly pulled her sleeves down and hid her wrist behind her, and nodded despite the pain. "yeah that was nothing.." she said, her face returning back to its normal expression- blank and cold. but jisoo wasnt convinced. "let me-"


the elevator door opened, soonha was ready to dash outside, and she did but she bumped her face into a familiar red headed boy she calls apple. she groaned in pain and rubbed her nose and glared at soonyoung. "move aside please." chan spoke up behind the kwon siblings so sonyoung took soonhas right wrist midlessly.

"that hurts you motherfucke-" she said and pulled her hand away from soonyoung and groaned in pain.damn i didnt thought the cut would be this deep- does she use a fucking ax to sharpen her fucken nails?! she thought and scrunched up her nose in pain and glared at her brother.

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