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the two quickly pulled away from each other. jihoon quickly got off the rock and dragged soonha with him back to the woods.

"quick!" jihoon yelled, and continued to drag soonha. soonha huffed, and tried to catch up with his running pace. well he isn't a baseball captain for nothing.

but unfortunately for soonha, she slipped (into the diamond life) on the slippery ground and down to the hard, cold and wet soil.

she groaned, and tried to sat up. jihoon quickly spun around, and helped soonha get up. "can you walk?!" he asked, wiping his wet face.

"i- i dont think so." soonha answered, clutching her right knee since it hurts a lot. without another word, jihoon scooped up soonha from the ground and into his arms.

jihoon huffed and started to run again. meanwhile soonha clutched into jihoon's wet shirt, afraid that jihoon would suddenly dropped her.

once they reached the car, jihoon put soonha down and fetched for the car keys on his pocket. he quickly unlocked the car once he did so, and helped soonha get in first.

jihoon entered the car, and turned on the heater. he panted, before craning his neck to look at soonha. "are you okay?"

soonha didn't answered, and took a glance on her right knee.

her jeans were torn apart, and it was bleeding. she winced in pain. jihoon frowned, and quickly leaned in closer to her body to examine her wound.

he pursed his lips, before reaching out for the paper bag in the backseat and taking out the alcohol, antiseptic, box of band aids and cotton that they used earlier for his scratches.

"alright let me see." jihoon said, taking out a piece of cotton and pouring a little bit of alcohol in it. soonha turned her body to jihoon, and let him treat her wound.

"gently." she said while gritting her teeth. jihoon mumbled a sorry and cleaned her wound gently.

after treating her wound, jihoon just left her wound open and threw the paper bag at the backseat, before starting the engine.

soonha shivered, feeling a little bit cold. knowing that soonha has low cold tolerance, she might catch a fever tomorrow.

"cold?" jihoon asked, once he started driving back to he city. soonha hesitated to answer, but she did anyways. "a little."

"i have a unused jacket at the back, you could borrow it for a while."

"how about you? arent you cold?"

"i'm not feeling that cold, you're probably low cold tolerance."

soonha nodded her head, and slowly peek at the backseat. she reach out for the jacket and slowly placed it around her.

a few minutes of silence covered them, and no one talked. it wasn't an awkward silence, instead, it was a comfortable silence.

but there's just one thing they haven't noticed earlier while jihoon helped soonha inside the car. they failed to notice the dark figure hiding behind one of the trees, drenched it water.

she gritted her teeth, glaring at the car before slowly reaching out for her phone, not caring whether it gets wet or not.

she dialed a certain number. "what?" the other line had said.

"our plan is going to be ruined, by no other that kwon soonha."

they arrived back at seoul in no time, and that's when jihoon broke the ice. "down for cheeseburgers?"

"yeah sure." she answered, eyes sparkling a little bit. because she was hungry and cold, and all she needed is a good ol' cheeseburger.

jihoon drove them into a drive thru, and ordered four cheeseburgers and some two colas.

jihoon paid for the food, and pulled the car into the parking lot to eat. jihoon handed her her one cheeseburger and her cola. "thanks."

she unwrapped the still-warm cheeseburger and took a huge bite. jihoon did too, and hey were covered in silence again.

they finished their first burger in silence, and they were currently eating their second cheeseburger. "ill pay you later." soonha said, after swallowing.

jihoon shook his head. "no its fine." he said, with his mouth full. "you sure?"


"wanna discuss about the project while we're here?" jihoon suggested, so soonha nodded her head.

jihoon connected his phone to the car's speakers, and scrolled down on his phone. soonha took a sip on her cola, and waited for jihoon.

a few minutes later, a slow beat covered the silence. soonha listened to it carefully, and found the song amazing.

"it's called home." he said, sipping on his cola. soonha nodded her head, swallowing her food again before speaking (unlike jihoon tsk tsk). "it's good."

when the song ended, jihoon turned to her. "let me listen to one of your works." he said, finishing his burger. soonha shook her head. "no thanks, let's just use yours."

"that's not fair, i let you listen to one of my works but you didn't let me listen to your works. come on just one pleaaaase." he said, showing his puppy eyes at her. soonha rose a brow. "is that supposed to be cute?"

jihoon huffed, feeling his cheeks reddened in embarrassment. "whatever." soonha chuckled, and handed her phone to him. "fine, just one song."

jihoon smiles like a small kid getting the toy he wants. he quickly disconnected his phone and connected soonhas phone.

a few minutes later, jihoon finally chose a song titled with 'dreams'. soonha hummed to the song, meanwhile jihoon was bobbing his head to the beat a little bit.

when the song finished, he gave her a thumbs up. "nice, when did you made that song?"

"a few years ago with cy, and my other friend, loren." she answered, finally emptying her cola and finishing her burger. jihoon craned his neck to look at her. "cyril? the one soonyoung likes a lot?"

"yeah, her." she answered, chuckling a little bit.

"you seems to be super close to cyril."

"yeah, i am. she's practically my closest friend here on earth. she helped me during my hard times, along with loren too."

"hard times?"

"yeah, when my mom abuses me, or when i think of myself lowly. they were the ones who also stopped me from-" but soonha quickly sealed her lips, noticing that she had said too much information.

"stoped you from?" jihoon aasked curiously, but soonha just shook her head, and sighed. jihoon noticed this and sighed. "soonha, you should really open up to soonyoung, you know."

but soonha could only shake her head, with her lips pursed.

hi hi hi i've got the leaked photos of svt heheheheheheg ;)))

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