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"OH MY GOD-hrjwtjwktjw." soonyoung quickly covered seungkwan's mouth, the older glared at him before flicking his forehead. "shhhhhhhhhh!" the older hissed, making seungkwan roll his eyes.

"what are they doing in there?" seungkwan whispered, peeking on soonha's bedroom to see soonha and jihoon asleep while hugging. "i don't know? sleeping?" soonyoung said sarcastically, making seungkwan hit the back of his head.

"OUCH-" seungkwan covered soonyoung's mouth and told him to be quiet. they heard someone groaning inside soonha's bedroom, and they quickly closed the door. "what should we do? should we wake them up?" seungkwan asked.

soonyoung shrugged his shoulder. "i don't wanna die."

"but seokmin hyung told us to wake everyone up because he had something to say."

"it's literally five in the morning." sooooung whined. "can't we just go back to sleep?"

"not until seokmin hyung says what he wanted to say. so let's wake them up." seungkwan said. soonyoung sighed, before nodding in agreement.

seungkwan pushes soonyungn forward, and motioned him to open the door. soonyoung rolled his eyes, but he opened the door anyway.

the both of them entered quietly. "wake them up." soonyoung nudged seungkwan, once they were beside the two sleeping figures. "what?! why me?! you're the oldest here!" seungkwan whisper-shouted.

"but i'm your hyung! you should follow me!" soonyoung whisper-shouted back. they continued to argue, until the ball of sunshine appeared.

"HI GUYS DID YOU WOKE SOONHA UP ALREADY?!" seokmin shouted inside the room, making soonyoung and seungkwan widened their eyes when they saw..

lee jihoon and kwon soonha waking up.

"alright who the fuck had the audacity to ruin my sleep?" jihoon grouched, pulling away from soonha. soonha just turned around. while frowning with a displeased look on her face.

"IT WAS SOONYOUNG AND SEUNGKWAN BYE!" seokmin quickly exited the scene, leaving seungkwan and soonyoung insid ethe room. "RUNNNN!" seungkwan shouted, pushing soonyoung away to run for his life.

soonyoung quickly stood up too, and ran away while jihoon went off to chase the two idiots. soonha just rolled her eyes, before going back to sleep.

"COME BACK HERE YOU ASSHOLES!" jihoon shouted, carrying his baseball bat while chasing the two boys around the house. "OH FUCK!" seungkwan yelled, once he saw what jihoon was carrying.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT SEOKMIN!" soonyoung shouted, trying to dodge jihoon's baseball bat. the other boys were confused, on why the fuck they were causing a ruckus at five in the morning.

jihoon stopped eventually, he sat down on the couch with his baseball bat still in hand. he panted, glaring at the two boys who was on the ground too.

"what happened here?" soonha asked sleepily, walking down on the stairs with joshua who woke her up because seokmin had something to say.

she sat down beside wonwoo, before resting her head on the boy's shoulder. "it's still too early for a ruckus." she added, closing her eyes.

jihoon was about to stand up and wack them asses again but good thing, seungcheol held him back and told him to calm down.

"i swear i'm this close to tying your wrists so you guys could fucking calm down." junhui said, rubbing his eyes.

once everything was settled and fine, they turned their heads to seokmin. "so seokmin, what was the thing you wanted to say?" jeonghan asked.

seokmin was quiet for a very very long time. and it looked like he was thinking and didn't heard what jeonghan said.

soonha was already dozing off, but she was trying her best not to close her eyes and wait for whatever seokmin was about to say.

on the other hand, mingyu, hansol, and chan were already snoring in their sleep. but nobody bothered to wake them up. "seokmin?" jeonghan called out for the boy.

seokmin snapped out of his trance before looking at jeonghan with a confused face. "yes hyung?"

"i thought you wanted to say something." seungcheol frowned. seokmin frowned too, before scratching his head. "i do?"

"UGH ITS TOO EARLY FOR THIS SHIT!" jihoon said frustratingly, wanting to go back o sleep.

everyone ignored him. and all of their focus was on seokmin. "yeah, you said you wanted to say something and told us to wake everybody up because it's important."  junhui explained.

minghao groaned, when seokmin just frowned and looked so fucking confused. "oh right i wanted to say something!" he chirped brightly, when he remembered that he does have something to say.

"well what is it?" soonha asked this time. seokmin was silent for a moment before scratching his head. "i.. forgot."

"ugh dumb fuck." jihoon cursed, before standing up from his spot on the couch and dragging soonha with him. "let's go back to sleep."

"huh? they're sleeping together?" junhui asked, raising a brow. the others were confused too, except for the ones who were sleeping and boosoon. "yeah, we saw them sleeping earlier this morning."

"what does this mean?" joshua asked.

seungkwan rolled his eyes, before flapping his imaginary hair. "duh! that they made out-"

"EW OKAY NO." minghao said, a disgusted expression on his face while joshua looked horrified. soonyoung rolled his eyes. "no seungkwan was just trolling with you, they did nothing."

"are you sure?" seungkwan pestered, crossing his arms. "where's your proof? you ain't got no proof!"

"well do you have a proof?" soonyoung asked back. seungkwan proudly took out his phone. "i recorded them last night-"

"holy fuck." junhui gasped, widening his eyes. "are you for real?!"

"no i was just joking." seungkwan laughed, before smirking. "sike!"


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