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"wake uppppp!" someone whisper-shouted in soonhas eat, making her open her eyes and hit whoever did that.

"ow-!" a familiar voice said, as his face got hit by soonhas hand. soonha immediately sat up from her bed and stare at the figure on the floor, and when she recognized who it was, she rolled her eyes.

"ugh for goodness's sake seungkwan what the fuck are you doing here and HOW did you get in here?" she rambled, and just stared at seungkwan who stood up from the floor.

"didn't i told you that we have a meeting? and also i stole the spare key from jeonghan hyung."

"you're so annoying." she huffed, and laid back down on her bed. "and about the meeting, i don't wanna fucking go. and get out, i want to sleep."

but seungkwan didn't budged, and grabbed soonha's arm and pulled her. soonha groaned. "come on noo- soonha lets go. this is important i promise."

she sighed, and jumped off her bed and stood up. seungkwan's face lit up as he drag soonha out of her room, and to the living room where mingyu was already dozing off.

soonha sat down beside seokmin who was trying to keep his eyes open. she snorted, and rubbed her eyes. "alright what now." minghao groaned, and lay his head on junhuis shoulder.

seungkwan woke mingyu up first, before starting the 'meeting'. "okay, so earlier, i was walking in the hallway after classes since our practice is done but then-"

"let me guess, you heard something again from rachel or whatever." junhui cut him off. seungkwan glared at him, but he nodded anyway.

"as i was saying before i was RUDELY interrupted, i heard rachel, diza, maylin-"

"it's meilin not maylin." minghao said, making seungkwan roll his eyes. "yeah whatever i don't care. anyway!"

"-i heard them talking to one of the empty classroom with three guys- i forgot how many were there but anyway- they were talking about something connected to destroying a certain performance for tomorrow- i mean today or later for a certain subject- was it english? yeah i guess it was english." seungkwan finished his explanation with one breath.

the five sleepy teenagers took a while to digest what seungkwan had just said, but when they did, mingyu was the first one to speak up. "what performance?"

"i think it's the one for mr. namjoon. we composed our own songs and will perform it la-" junhui was cut off when he yawned. "-later."

seungkwan nodded understandingly, before stroking his imaginary beard. "who's performance do you think they will ruin?" seokmin asked curiously.

"probably soonha and jihoon's." minghao said, shrugging his shoulders. soonha turned to minghao with a brow raised.

"how did you know jihoons my partner? and why would rachel ruin our performance anyway."

"woah wait, so you and jihoon are really partners?! damn, i make good guesses." minghao said, smirking proudly.

"hoe are you blind, it's obvious that rachel will try to ruin your performance. she's probably jealous that her little boyfriend was partnered up with the almighty kwon soonha." junhui said.

soonha just shook her head, not believing any of this nonsense and stood up. "whatever, i'm going back to sleep. i still have classes and have a performance tomorrow. goodnight."

seungkwan pouted. "but soonha-"

"kwan, lets just sleep okay? and talk about his some other time because we have classes tomorrow." seokmin cut seungkwan off, and patted his shoulder.

seungkwan had no choice, but to listen to his hyungs.

"why do you look so tired?" jihoon whispered to soonha, who was trying to keep her eyes open as much as possible.

she craned his neck to look at him, before yawning. "i barely got any sleep last night." well, that was half-true. since after the 'meeting' with seungkwan and the others, she didnt got any sleep.

she was only able to sleep after she drank one sleeping pills, and that led her to sleep for like six hours.

"why?" jihoon whispered again, trying not to get caught by mr. yoongi, but unfortunately for jihoon, yoongi had his eyes on him. "mr. lee do you want to say something to the class?"

jihoon was slightly taken aback when his teacher called out for him, but jihoon just folly shook his head. "no sir."

yoongi squinted his eyes. "alright." yoongi replies coldly, before continuing on whatever he was saying.

jihoon craned his neck to look at soonha, only to find her already dozing off to her desk. jihoon just chuckled, and decided not to bother her.

a few hours later, soonha and jihoon we're sitting beside each other in the auditorium, where the performance will be held at.

jihoon glanced at soonha, who was hanging her head low. "are you nervous?"

she didn't spoke up for a few minutes... but she answered anyway. "i.. don't know."

"what do you mean you don't know?"

"it's been a long time since i performed infront of.. a class." she mumbled, but thankfully, jihoon heard it. he chuckled and gave her shoulder a pat. "don't worry, it'll be fine i promise."

"you think so?"

"i know so."

kind of boring but eh

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