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ain't your hoe 💋👅 (3)

dizaxo: gurl why did you suddenly changed ur mind

minghao'shoe: ikr that's so unusual of you

p.rachel: shut up i don't wanna get caught

dizaxo: wdym by getting caught
dizaxo: nvm don't answer that,, i don't wanna hear about ur disgusting moments with kang daniel.
dizaxo: and also abt ur plan when are u gonna start

minghao'shoe: yeah,,

p.rachel: stfu me and daniel didn't do it today, he said he was too tired so stfu.
p.rachel: and i already started

minghao'shoe: u haven't????
minghao'shoe: if u did then why tf no one is making fun of soonwhore.

dizaxo: ^

p.rachel: oh i decided not to destroy their performance
p.rachel: coz apparently some bitch were spying on us
p.rachel: and it's one of the boys

minghao'shoe: who??

dizaxo: let me guess, it's that sophomore kid who calls himself diva

p.rachel: yeah that's him, what was his name again?

minghao'shoe: boo seungbitch

dizaxo: ugh istg that kid is so fuckin annoying

minghao'shoe: ikr like he's always gossiping and shit🙄

dizaxo: so what are you gonna do now, rachel?

p.rachel: oh don't worry, i got this.

soonha sat down on her chair and placed her bag on her desk, wondering where on earth is lee jihoon.

he didn't came with them to school, because he stole seungcheol's car keys. yes, stole.

his seat beside her was empty too, a few minutes later, wonwoo got up from his seat and sat down beside soonha.

she craned to look at him with a questioning look. "what? is it wrong to sit on my old spot?" he asked, crossing his arms with a small pout.

"i didn't say anything tho." she said, crossing her arms too and turned her head to the door when she heard a very very familiar annoying high-pitch voice.

"baby are you going to sit beside that girl?" rachel asked jihoon, jihoon rolled his eyes and shook his head. "ugh i don't want to think about that bitch, i just want to think about you."

soonha and wonwoo grimaced at the same time when they heard that, because oh boy, that's the cringiest thing they had heard from jihoon.

"they're so disgusting, i want to puke." soonha said, pretending to gag. wonwoo chuckled, and nodded his head in agreement. "you're right."

"hell am i right."

a few hours later, soonha found herself sitting with the boys for lunch, which was so unfortunate for her.

soonyoung has dragged her here and said that he wanted to eat with his sister. and he really had just to ask her that when she and jihoon aren't on good terms.

she felt sick- watching jihoon and rachel go goo goo eyes and jihoon goes blushy blushy and acting all lovey dovey.

just ew. she thought, feeling like she just lost the appetite to eat. she sighed and decided to excuse herself, and went to the loo.

on the loo, she was just washing her hands, when the door busted open with a loud slam. she glanced at the door, only to find rachel smirking.

soonha rolled her eyes and just ignored rachel. she wiped her hands on her shirt and was about to leave when rachel caught her wrist.

the fuck does she want. she thought, before turning around. "what."

rachel just chuckled, the smirk not leaving on her face. "oh soonha. drop the cold and brave act, we all know you're just a pathetic girl."

soonhas expression didn't changed, and maintained her cold and blank face. "i've got no time for your bullshits." soonha muttered, and tried to pull her wrist away.

rachel rose a brow, and tightened her grip on soonha's wrist, and even dug her nails. soonha winced,and tried to pull her wrist again. "oh you got no time for my bullshits, but you got time to go and kiss my boyfriend."

soonha stopped moving, and rose a brow. "what kissing?"

"stop playing dumb! i saw the both of you that night where he brought you to this stupid rock and shout." she shouted, pushing her to the wall with such force.

soonha winced at the stinging pain coming from her back, and glared at her. "how the fuck did you know where jihoon and i were?"

"you don't know me, ive got my ways." rachel smirked. "you're such a weakling, you can't even fight back."

"that's because i'm not that type of person to hurt others physically, unlike a psychopath like you." rachel's eyes darkened. "what did you just called me?"

"bitch are you deaf? i said psychopath." soonha said sarcastically, making rachel pissed off and slap soonha.

"you fucking whore-" but rachel was cut off when the door opened. "rachel hurry up, i can see cyril from a distance."

soonha recognized it as diza, the girl who stalked kim mingyu. well she isn't sure, but she looked like the girl in the picture seungkwan had showed her.

rachel rolled her eyes, and let go of soonha. "we aren't done yet." before leaving.

soonha licked her lips, and glanced at her wrist to see a small bruise forming. she sighed and went to one of the sink, and wash the small bruise.

"soonha? are you there?" she heard cyril's voice. soonha closed the faucet and turned around with wet hands to see cyril. "what?"

"are you okay?"

"of course, why would i be not?"

"because i saw rachel walking out from here with her minions." cyril said, still not convinced that soonha was okay. "what did she do?"

"oh nothing big." soonha said, shrugging her shoulders. "all she did was bullshits i would not like to talk about right now.

i did another fan art hehehe i wanna share it^^ and also i'm not that talented😅😅
+ thank you for 1k reads!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺♥️

i did another fan art hehehe i wanna share it^^ and also i'm not that talented😅😅+ thank you for 1k reads!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺♥️

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