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a few month had passed, and everything had been going fine. it was kind of weird and suspicious that rachel wasn't doing anything but they were thankful that she had atleast stopped meddling with their life.

well, except for the anti rachel squad's president, who doesn't seems to be convinced that rachel is going to leave them alone.

the usual trio- seungcheol, soonha and jihoon- were walking on their way to soonyoung's room once again.

but what surprised them, was when they entered soonyoung's room there sat a park rachel holding hands with soonyoung.

"what the fuck are you doing here?!" soonha asked, feeling her blood boil. rachel turned around, a glare on her face.

rachel just rolled her eyes, before turning back around and ignored them. "get the fuck out." soonha said, clenching her fist.

rachel frowned, before standing up from her chair and walking towards soonha. "why would i?" she asked, glaring back at the shorter female.

"do you think soonyoung would like to see you here?" jihoon spat, crossing his arms and walking infront of soonha. "get out." he said.

rachel tsked, before crossing her arms. "can't believe you're dating a piece of trash." she sassed, looking at soonha in disgust.

"please leave, rachel." seungcheol said, trying to be as nice as possible. rachel tsked again, eyeing soonha up and down before walking out of the room, bumping on soonha's shoulder purposely in the process.

soonha calmed down herself, before shooing the two boys out of the room. she sighed, and sat down on he chair rachel was once sitting at.

she held his hand, before smiling at her brother. "hi young! i have good news!" she beamed brightly, excited to tell him the news.

"guess what! i aced the surprise quiz in physics! only got one mistake! i'm so happy." she said, hope evident on her eyes. she was slightly hoping that soonyoung would wake up, and congratulate her.

but she sighed, and her face fall. "i hope you wake up soon, young. i missed you." she mumbled, feeling her heart ache once again.

"i'm so proud of you." she heard someone said faintly, making her lift her face immediately and widened her eyes when-

when she saw soonyoung, looking at her with a smile plastered on his face.

"soonyoung!" she exclaimed, happy tears falling down on her cheeks as she gently hug soonyoung, so she wouldn't hurt him.

she cried, trying not to hug him so tight incase he gets hurt. she heard soonyoung chuckle, and slowly hug her back.

"why are you crying huh?" he asked, when soonha pulled away. soonha couldn't find herself to answer, as soonyoung started to wipe her tears away with his thumb.

but before soonha could even answer, the door busted open. "soonha what's wrong- SOOYOUNG!" jihoon said, and ran towards the kwon siblings as seungcheol went out to call the doctor.

"oh my god- i have to tell the boys-" jihoon said, hands shaky as he took out his phone and messaged the boys through the group chat, and not long after that, the doctor came.

they were told to wait outside for a few moments, while the doctor go check up on soonyoung and ran a few tests.

"where is hyung?!" seokmin asked, about to open the door. "wait- the doctor told us to wait here." seungcheol said, stopping seokmin from doing so.

the younger nodded, while everyone patiently waited for the doctor to come out. and as soon as he doctor came out, seokmin and the others quickly walked past him and entered the room with the others.

the doctor smiled, seeing the happy reunion between his patient and his friends, before starting to talk to seungcheol about soonyoung.

soonha had entered too, watching the others bawl their eyes out while pushing each other so they could hug soonyoung first.

"hyunggggggggg!" seungkwan cried, pulling soonyoung to a hug. "we missed you hyung!" chan said, also crying and trying to pull seungkwan away so he could hug soonyoung too.

soonyoung laughed, seeing his members cry, though he was starting to get teary too. "aish why are you crying?" he asked, pulling away from chan. "are you guys not happy to see me?"

"hyung what are you talking about?! of course we're happy to see you!" mingyu said, wanting to hug soonyoung too. "then why are you crying?"

"because we're happy that you finally woke up after two months." joshua replied, smiling at the younger boys interact with soonyoung.

soonha smiled, and sniffed, watching them happily talking to soonyoung (even though seungkwan was still crying and he looked like he doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon).

"seriously, kwan. stop crying already." soonyoung said,noticing that the younger kept on crying. "s-sorry i'm just so happy."

when everyone had finally calmed down and was sitting on their own respective chairs, soonha was sitting beside soonyoung again.

"you know rachel was here earlier." seungcheol said, making everyone looked at him surprised (except for jihoon and soonha). "really? what was she doing here?"

"i don't know, we just came here earlier and saw her holding your hand." soonha replied, leaning on her chair.

soonyoung frowned, feeling that he had forget something. rachel? he asked himself, before he finally remembered what he had forgotten.

"rachel was the one who hit me with the car."

a vvvvvv late chapter hehehehehehez sorryyyyyyyyyy

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