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"are you okay?" soonyoung and jihoon choruses, both approaching her. she rose a brow at jihoon, before shaking her head. "yeah yeah i'm fine."

"what a show!" minghao suddenly said, clapping his hand and laughing like a madman. "she looks so fucking stupid."

"who? me?" soonha asked, tilting her head and pointing at herself. minghao shook his head. "no not you, the lunatic one."

the bell rang, signaling the students in the hallway that classes are starting, so soonha walked past jihoon whilst dragging soonyoung with her.

"come on young let's go." she said. soonyoung pouted and showed her his puppy eyes. "no oppa?" he asked, doing aegyo.


"awww." soonyoung pouted, and walked alongside with her.

soonha just chuckled, and ruffled his hair. "don't be sad."

five hours had past by in a flash, and before they knew it, it was lunch already. soonha found herself sitting beside cyril, who looks like she was just about to scold soonha because of yesterday.

cyril flocked soonha's forehead and shook her head. "i cant believe you're did that twice! not very good, ha."

"what do you mean by twice?" taeyeon asked, tilting her head to the side a little bit. soonha rolled her eyes and shook her head, cyril does have a big fat ass mouth.

cyril scratched her head, and looked at soonha for permission. "yeah fine, you can tell them, just.. don't tell soonyoung."

"what i meant by twice was.. soonha tried to commit suicide back in our old country because of her.. mom and the bullies."

nara and mia both choked on their food, before coughing violently. "soonha- the hell were you thinking?!" younghee asked, frowning at her.

soonha just shrugged her shoulders. "i wasn't on my right mind you know, and besides. you can't blame me for doing stuff like that. you don't know how it feels to be tortured by your own mom." she mumbled the last sentence.

the girls's gaze soften, especially cyril, who had known soonha's hardships even from the start. "don't be sad, ha, we'll always be here for you. right girls?"

"right!" nara said, then suddenly landing her fist in the table. "if anyone dares to hurt you again i won't hesitate to punch them with this!" she said, showing her fist.

younghee and taeyeon snickered, while mia rolled her eyes. "you'd be too short to punch, you can't even punch daehwi-"

"hey!" nara said, pouting while crossing her arms. "just because i'm the youngest here doesn't mean you could always tease me!"

"oh yes we can." soonha said, laughing a little at the younger's antics, before pinching her chubby cheeks. "now eat." soonha said, showing her a sushi roll in between soonha's chopsticks.

"i'm not a baby!" she whined, but still accepted the food anyway. i mean, who wouldn't accept food?

the bell rang again, and finally, class is over for the day! but unfortunately for soonha and jihoon, they both got called out and were told to stay after classes by mr. kim namjoon.

the two teenagers sat beside each other awkwardly in the chair infront of namjoon, who was eyeing a piece of paper up and down.

namjoon finally placed the paper down and glanced from soonha, then to jihoon, then back to soonha again, then to jihoon.

"do you both know why i had called the both of you?" he asked, interlocking both of his hands together and stared at the two.

"no sir." they both answered at the same time. namjoon nodded his head. "well, i'm just going to be straightforward here. i had picked the two of you to perform an intermediate number for the school's talent show, just for the opening. but i could sense that the two of you aren't on good terms?"

"we aren't, sir." soonha said firmly, crossing her arms as her cold eyes met namjoon's soft brown ones. namjoon nodded his head once again. "i see, i hope the both of you could settle whatever's happening in between you two then. lover's quarrel?"

both teenagers grimaced, and they both pointed at each other. "lover?! oh hell no." they said in unison, shaking their heads.

namjoon just chuckled. "stop being delusional, i know you both like each other." soonha just shook her head. "can't you just choose another pair?" she asked, changing the topic.

"no can do, ms. kwon, for the both of you had scored the highest from the project." soonha just nodded her head, and sighed.

"remember, teamwork is always the key." namjoon reminded. "teamwork? sounds lame." soonha commented, making jihoon snort and laugh.

namjoon just sighed, before chuckling a little bit. "anyway, i heard that mr. lee here has some schedule after classes, so i better dismissed you. see you tomorrow kids."

soonha and jihoon both got up from their chair, and bowed ninety degrees infront of namjoon (with jihoon accidentally hitting his forehead at the edge of the table and soonha silently laughed at him) before getting out of the room.

"did it hurt?" she teased, looking at jihoon who was rubbing his forehead, cheeks red in embarrassment. "whatever kwon." he huffed and turned his heels away from her.

she just chuckled, before walking to the opposite direction for her volleyball practice.

i've got nothing to tell y'all in the author's note so i wish that y'all having a great lovely nice day today! <//3

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