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soonha was answering the third page of the seatwork- jihoon and her decided to divide the seatwork into two, and so far everything had been good, no bickering, no glares.

soonha was answering the quiz easily- for her it was quite easy, so she finished the third page less than ten minutes, and was now answering the fourth page. lucky for her, math is really easy.

meanwhile beside her, jihoon was struggling (who doesnt struggle at math?!). he was scratching his head with his ball pen while glaring at the paper. he really doesnt understand a thing. he sighed and decided to reread the question in number one. whats the value of x? he snorted. why try to find the value of x when its already its already an ex, they have no value anymore.

he rolled his eyes, and just encircled a random letter from the options, not really giving a shit about it. 

he proceeded to number two,which was twice as hard as the first so he just randomly circled letter c and proceeded to the next. soonha and jihoon were peaceful, it was the first time they were this quiet and calm. well, because theyre always bickering 25/8.

jihoon was again, staring dumbfoundly at the question, and huffed. why is math so damn hard?! he asked himself. then he wondered how soonha was answering the quiz. shes dumber than me. he internally snickered.

he glanced at soonha, and saw that she has a scratch paper out that was full of formulas and numbers. she had her infamous blank face whilst scribbling on the scratch paper. he took a peek on what page she was and saw that she was already on the fourth page. he blinked his eyes thrice when he saw that all her answered had solutions beside the question, and his jaw almost dropped when he saw how fucking complicated they look.

okay maybe shes a little smarter than him. but who is he kidding, soonha is obviously more smarter than him. he cant even understand those stupid formulas written on her scratch paper. he sighed and looked away from her and into the paper.

"are you done yet?" soonha suddenly asked, putting her pen down and crumbling her scratch paper. she was already done, she stuffed the crumbled paper on her bag carelessly and made the paper faced the desk so no one would try to copy her answers.

jihoon didnt answered- he was slightly embarrassed. okay maybe not slightly embarrassed, soonha was already finished yet there he was, stuck on number three. he scratched his head frustratingly, and glared at the paper.

soonha raised a brow, and took a peek on his paper and saw that he was only on number three. she couldnt help but snicker and snort. hes dumb. she thought. jihoon heard her, so he turned his head to her and glared at her. "whats so funny?"

"having a little problem hm?"she mocked with her stupid smirk that jihoon would love to wipe away from her face. he scowled at her. "what problem? im totally fine."

"says the one whos stuck at number three- the answers on number one and two arent even correct." she dissed with her smirk. jihoon rolled his eyes. "oh my intelligence in math is no match for this, id only loose my intelligence if i use them on these."

"what intelligence? intelligence on dating a bitch mayonnaise?" jihoon glared at her when she called his girlfriend a bitch mayonnaise.

"did you just called my girl a bitch mayonnaise?"he asked, feeling anger and annoyance bubbling up inside him. soonha shrugged, not really in the mood for causing a fight. she instead removed her gaze from him and to the paper. 

"youre answering it all wrong." she sighed, taking out a specific notebook (which contains formulas for math) and slapped it to jihoons face. jihoon was surprised and quickly held the notebook that was on his face. "hey you little-"

"you can borrow that notebook for awhile, after you finish the quiz return it to me." she mumbled and zipped her bag close. jihoon stared at her before turning his gaze to the pastel blue notebook he was holding.

"what even is this." he mumbled, raising a brow before opening the notebook and reading the first page. he read what was written in a cute penmanship. '수학 공식', it says. and on theupper right corner was soonhas name written in english.

and when jihoon finally gets why soonha lend him that notebook, he finally starts answering.

classes was finally over. most of the students were happy and giddy because today is friday, which meant that theres no classes tomorrow! yay!

soonha was on her locker, taking out a few books because shes going to do her usual stuffs on friday- advance study. she forced her books inside her bag and slammed the locker shut when she was finally done. she turned around and was about to leave when she saw rachel standing there with her arms crossed.

theres only a few students roaming on the hallways- most were gone already. and rachel took the opportunity to have a little friendly (as what she calls it) talk with soonha. soonha narrowed her eyes at the tall slim familiar figure. "what."

"oh i know what youre trying to do, kwon soonha." she said sharply, glaring at the smallergirl. soonha raised her brow uninterestedly, whatever shes on about, its probably one of those lies again.

"look, i dont have time for your bullcraps." she sighed and tried to escape her wraths. but rachel wouldnt let her escape that easily.

rachel gripped her wrist tightly, digging her sharp nails on her wrist. soonha winced in pain and tried to jerk her hand away but that only made rachel dig her nails deeper.

"stop trying to steal jihoon away from me you useless bitch." she said, before letting go of soonhas wrist and walking away. soonha hissed in pain and glanced at her wrist that was in pain.

she widened her eyes when she saw something red oozing out of her skin- blood. she winced in pain again, took out her handkerchief from her pocket and gently wrapped it around her wrist.

"what took you so long?" soonyoung asked soonha who had just entered the van. she tugged her right sleeve and pulled it down, so she could hide the bruise on her wrist.

"cyril told me something." she lied, sitting beside wonwoo. she placed her bag on her lap, and hid her right wrist behind the bag, which was still in pain. soonyoung nodded, believing her lie.

she almost sighed in relief, but she didnt. wonwoo eyed her, something was up- and he knows it. he was observing her, he noticed that she was occasionally scrunching up her nose as if she was in pain, and she kept glancing at something behind her bag.

unfortunately, wonwoo couldnt see what she was glancing at since the bag was covering it. it was probably something she was holding with her right hand. he thought.

he knew he shouldnt stick to her business, but the expression on his face was slightly worrying him. "soonha are you alright?" he asked, loud enough for only the both of them to hear.

soonha nodded her head. she thought wonwoo would believe her, but she was surprised when wonwoo...

wonwoo took her arm out behind her bag.

literally wrote this at 12 in the fucking morning lmao

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