three am disaster

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"what?" soonha groaned, rolling over her bed and refused to open her eyes. the person who she couldn't recognize kept on whispering her name in her ear.

"soonha wake up."

"no." sh said stubbornly, hissing when her blanket was pulled away from her. she groaned, pulling back her blanket closer to her and tried to kick the person off of her bed.

"wake up." the person hissed, and started to shake her body. she finally opened her eyes, a frown evident on her face.

she widened her eyes and almost screamed when she saw seungkwan, holding a flashlight under his chin which crept the fuck out of her life.

"what the fuck seungkwan?!" she hissed, finally sitting up. seungkwan motioned her to zip her mouth, and sat down beside her. "shhhhh! the hyungs might here us!"

soonha looked around her room, a frown slowly creeping up to her face when she saw that it was still dark. "what time is it?"

"it's three in the morning." seungkwam whispered, inching closer to soonha with a creepy smile. "i wanna do something with you!"


"i stole a book from the occult club and there's alot of fun stuff that i wanted to try it with you," seungkwan paused, taking out something from his bag that soonha didnt noticed.

he took out a thick, black book with a creepy smile. "it has a lot of dark stuff that seems cool!" seungkwan said, opening the book to a particular page whilst soonha was starting to get a little creeped out.

"seungkwan i don't think it's safe to do that-"

"come on soonha don't be such a wuss. are you scared?" he asked, a creepy/mocking smile on his face. soonha huffed, crossing her arms.

"im not scared! i just... don't want to do it!"

"same thing." seungkwan replied, before stopping on a page with the creepy smile not leaving his face.

"let's start with something basic... hm.. oh this!" seungkwan said, as he showed soonha. the color on soonha's face disappeared once she read what was written on it.

"closet game! let's play this." seungkwan said, bringing the book back to his face and started to read it silently.

silence covered the two of them, with seungkwan reading the book seriously in silence. and because of this, seungkwan failed to hear a sound coming from the door.

soonha's breath hitched, and inch closer to seungkwan. "seungkwan did you hear that?"

"shhh im reading." seungkwan shushed her, while soonha listened to the sound of something scratching and silent footsteps inside her room.

"s-seungkwan seriously i think someone is here." she said, this time, clinging on seungkwan's arm and trying to look around despite the room being dark.

"shh." seungkwan said again, before nodding his head and turning to soonha. "so, this is how the game works. you have to go inside your closet with a match and wait there for two minutes in silence. and then, after that, say 'show me the light or leave me in darkness'. if you heard someone whispering, light up the match quickly, if you don't heard something. don't turn around, then after that, leave the closet WITHOUT looking back. then it says something here, that don't leave the closet open during night nor open the closet in the dark, always open it with a flashlight okay?"

soonha felt even more creeped out after what seungkwan had said, the sound of something scratching and light footsteps can still be heard. seungkwan noticed the discomfort look on soonha's face, before chuckling. "don't tell me you're scared?"

"seungkwan shhh. someone's here." she whispered, silencing the younger. seungkwan sealed his mouth, and inched closer to soonha when he heard footsteps.

"shit." soonha cursed, hearing the footsteps get louder. "im scared, fuck, what should we do?" seungkwan panicked, and hugged soonha whi hugged him back.

suddenly, the footsteps stopped and so did the scratching. the two was about to relax when something lit up in the darkness and there someone stood with a creepy purge mask on with a flashlight under it's chin while standing infront of the two.

seungkwan teared up and was about to scream, soonha did too not until the person in the purge mask covered both of their mouths with a creepy laugh.

seungkwan and soonha was screaming, but it was muffled because their mouths were covered by the guy's hand.

"guys calm down." a familiar sweet-honey voice said behind the mask, before removing his hand away from soonha's mouth (who stopped screaming and had a glare on her face because she recognized who that person is) while seungkwan was still screaming.

he used his free hand to remove the mask, before throwing it on seungkwan's lap who jumped in fear and kicked the mask away. he turned to jihoon who was laughing like a maniac and removed his hand away from seungkwan's mouth.

"you guys should've seen you're faces!" he laughed, rolling over soonha's bed while two pair of eyes were glaring at him.

"im breaking up with you." soonha said, crossing her arms and moving away from seungkwan. jihoon stopped laughing, and pouted at his girlfriend. "aww come on! im sorry." he said, trying to pull her to a hug.

seungkwan scowled, and pushed jihoon away from soonha and hugged her close instead. "no hyung! you almost made her cry just because of that creepy mask! where did you even got that?!"

"stole it from minghao." jihoon shrugged his shoulders, before pushing seungkwan away from soonha with a disapproving look. "you're too close to my girlfriend know your limits."

silence covered the three of them, with jihoon hugging soonha who was still a little crept out and couldn't help but hug him back while seungkwan was awfully silent.

"tiptoe through the window. that is where I'll be. come tiptoe through the tulips with me-"

"seungkwan shut the fuck up." jihoon hissed, wrapping an arm protectively over his girlfriend when he felt her tense up and grip on his shirt tightly. "that's so fucking creepy."

seungkwan chuckled, before a mocking smile appeared on his lips. "don't tell me you're scared hyung?"

jihoon didnt replied, and started to stroke soonha's hair to try and calm her down. though he couldn't deny that he was slightly scared.

jihoon pulled away from the hug, confusing soonha. "where are you going?"

"to the bathroom. i gotta pee."

"hyung before you go i wanna remind you that it's three in the morning. if you hear someone singing ole ole don't look up hyung! because it means that something is looking down on you."

"fuck you boo seungkwa! now im scared to go inside the bathroom."

actually researched about this shits now im fucking scared this will keep me up at night

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