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soonha woke next morning because of the alarm coming from her phone. she sat up and made made her phone shut up. soonha rubbed the drowsiness away from her eyes and made her way to the bathroom.

after her morning routine, she dressed in her casual clothes- which contains her black jeans, plain gray shirt topped by her black leather jacket. she applied her toner, grabbed her bag and her phone.

she checked the time to see it was six thirty in the morning, she marched her way downstairs and saw half of the boys downstairs eating breakfast and was already dressed. she sat beside soonyoung who was eating cereal.

she dropped her bag on the floor gently and started eating breakfast too.

when everyone is already ready, they split into two groups because obviously fourteen wouldnt fit inside the elevator.

the first group is formed by soonha, soonyoung, mingyu, joshua and hansol. the second was seungkwan, seungcheol, jeonghan, minghao and chan. and the third was jihoon, junhui, wonwoo, and seokmin.

they all entered the van seungcheol owned and soonha was squished between wonwoo and mingyu. when everyone was finally inside, the fourteen teenagers made their way to school. they arrived after about less than ten minutes.

they all got off the car after seungcheol parked the van. the ninety-five liners bid them goodbye and split up with them since theyre college. the rest entered the high-school campus and girls surrounded soonha and the boys.

but once they saw soonha walking beside soonyoug, most of them glared at her while the others just looked at her curiously. "why are they staring?" soonha asked soonyoung whlst avoiding everyones stares and glares.

"were a group that represents the school, remember." soonyoung answered. soonha nodded her head when her eyes landed on a specific girl wearing a very revealing outfit. she rose a brow when that specific girl clinged on jihoons arm. "jihoonieeee." she said, batting her eyelashes at him.

most of the boys looked at her in disgust, even sonyoung did. soonha couldnt help but grimace also. jihoons felt his ears went red when rachel hugged his arm. "jihoonie i miss you." rachel said, pouting. jihoon smiled and pinched her cheeks. "why did you missed me? we didnt saw each other for only two days?" he chuckled looking at her addoringly.

"okay who the fuck is that." soonha asked soonyoung whilst narrowing her eyes on the girl. "thats rachel, jihoon likes her." and when soonha heard that, she grimaced again. "oh his taste is bad."

"i agree." minghao suddenly butted in on the conversation. "shes so fucking annoying. i wonder why the fuck jihoon hyung fell in love with that bitch." minghao said. soonha observed the girl named rachel. for her, she looked sluty and flirty. she had no doubts on that.

rachel noticed soonha and she eyed her up and down. "what are you looking at?" soonha snapped at rachel. rachel frowned and turned to jihoon. "hoonie-ya, who is that girl beside soonyoung oppa?"

"dont mind her, shes soonyoungs bitchy sister." jihoon said glaring at her. soonha glared back. she was about to say a legendary comeback when wonwoo just shook his head at her. so she sealed her lips and ignored the disgusting 'couple'.

the bell rang and soon, the boys splitted up to go to their respective classrooms. soonha followed the ninety-six liners since shes on the same class as them. and on the way, jihoon and rachel was flirting.

soonha feel like gagging, its so disgusting seeing both of those flirting. junhui, wonwoo and soonyoung felt uncomfortable too, they once tried to tell jihoon that rachel isnt good enough for him. but that ended up jihoon swinging his guitar on their asses.

they finally arrived at the classroom and thankfully, the teacher isnt here yet but unfortunately, rachels their classmate. wonwoo pulled soonha to sit beside him because the seat beside him is empty. 

soonyoung and junhui are seatmates, whilst the couple were sitting beside each other.

the teacher entered not too long after, and she smiled when she saw soonha sitting beside wonwoo. most of the girls were glaring at her, but she just ignored those and kept on a poker face. 

the students attention were diverted to the teacher once she spoke up. "it looks like we have a new student today. please introduce yourself infront, dear." the teacher spoke softly. soonha got up from her seat and went to the front.

"kwon soonha." she said with her icy stare. the whole room went silent until the teacher broke it. "is that all?" she nodded her head.

"alright, im ms. kim, and i will be your homeroom teacher. you may go back to your seat now."

soonha went back to her seat and felt her phone buzzed on her pocket. so she sneakily took it out from her pocket.

14 hoes (14)

fuckyou: why the fuck is that bitch here? isnt she supposed to be with mingyu?

so0nha: none of your business dwarf

bootiful: why are you guys on your phone?

scoops: why are YOU on your phone?! class just started! get off your phones!

fuckyou: geez sorry grandpa.

after that short conversation, she put her phone on silent and placed it back to her pocket. she casted a glance on wonwoo and saw he was staring at ms. kim who was discussing the lesson. so soonha turned her head to the teacher and paid attention.

double update uwuuu
ALSO!!!! i changed soonhas grade level from tenth to twelfth since a tenth grade soonyoung driving a fuckin car makes absolute no sense.

ANygAYS, hope yall having a good day/night/afternoon!!! 

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