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red hearts, chocolates, flowers, were seen everywhere inside the school campus. with boys holding either boxes of chocolates or flowers or both. some girls were also holding flowers or chocolates, it's either they received it, or they planned on giving it to someone.

months had past after rachel had apologized, and everything had been going well for the boys. the promise that rachel made, came true. rachel, diza and meilin was out of the school, and transferred to japan.

soonha was walking with wonwoo because jihoon was acting weird. he had been super grouchy and mean early in the morning, yet no one bothered to ask the latter why.

she watched as a few girls slip love letters on someone's locker, before blushing and running away. a boy shyly handing a girl a bouquet of flowers while the girl was blushing madly, before accepting it.

"hey soonha." she craned her neck to look at wonwoo, who was smiling at her from ear to ear. "what?" her eyes landed to the thing wonwoo was hiding behind his back, she tried to look at it, but wonwoo only blocked her from doing so.

"what's that?"

"happy valentine's day." wonwoo said cheekily, taking out a bouquet of baby pink carnations and a box of chocolates and handed it to her.

soonha was surprised, accepting the flowers and chocolate with two hands whilst smiling at the latter.

"ahh... wonwoo, you didn't have to." she said, chuckling and sniffed the flowers. wonwoo scratched the back of his ear, his cheeks in a shade of red. "but i want to.."

"move out of the way," someone said grouchily, behind the two of them. they craned their neck in synch, looking at jihoon who was frowning and glaring at them.

soonha rose an eyebrow whilst wonwoo frowned. "what's wrong dude? why so salty?" wonwoo tried to ask, only to receive an eye roll.

jihoon didnt bothered replying, and instead, pushed soonha out of the way before walking past them. soonha was confused, so she turned to wonwoo to ask about it.

"why is he so salty?"

wonwoo could only shrug, as he glared at the back figure of lee jihoon.

"hey jihoon." soonha tried to talk to jihoon, who looked at her with an annoyed expression. "what?" he asked, frowning at her.

"what's wrong? why are you so grouchy?" she asked curiously, tilting her head to the side. jihoon just rolled his eyes, before turning his attention back to his phone wjere he was boredly scrolling through his instagram feed.

"why do you care."

"because i do." jihoon just 'tsk'-ed, before standing up and leaving her alone. the girl huffed, crossing her arms as her eyes wandered around the classroom.

the teacher was on her desk, doing whatever she was doing and let her students do whatever they want. lucky for them, she decided to cancel the classes just because it was valentines.

she boredly stared at jihoon, who was surprisingly sitting beside soonyoung, and talking with him about something.

she saw soonyoung looked at her, but when jihoon saw it, he slapped the older male's arm, causing soonyoung to wince and broke eye contact with soonyoung.

what are they planning now?

"hey move!" soonha scowled, ordering soonyoung to move out of the seat beside jihoon. the boys looked at soonha with an eyebrows raise, as to why she's telling soonyoung to move.


she huffed, crossing her arms and felt her cheeks go warm. "because... i wanted to sit beside jihoon."

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