Chapter 9

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Nick's POV
Chase had postmated McDonald's breakfast.
"Yum is that pancakes?" I asked with a baby voice reaching out for the pancakes and the syrup.
"Yessir" Chase said in a baby voice.
Someone came up behind me and grabbed my waist from behind me.
"Baby" I said turning around to face Tony.
"Morning Angel" he said giving me a kiss.
I like that nickname.
"U guys are too cute and you aren't even dating" Dixie laughed as she took a picture.
We both took our breakfast and cuddled on the sofa watching prison break cause it is my favourite series.
Tony's POV
Nick lay his head on my shoulder as we shared pancakes. His eyes were so beautiful. You could get completely lost in them.
"You lovebirds make me feel so single" Calvin said as he ran down the stairs after Paper with an air horn.
I gave Nick a kiss on the check and got up to put the plate away.
"Don't leave me babyyyyyy" Nick whined in his baby voice and puppy eyes.
"I need to wash the dishes angel. I'll be back to cuddle I promise" I said. He was so cute it was hard to resist him.
"I'll wash the dishes you go cuddle with Nick" Charli said as she came down the stairs.
"Thanks Char You're amazing" I said walking back to Nick and giving him another kiss.
"Tank you Charli" Nick said to Charli in his adorable baby voice.
"What do you wanna do today" Thomas said as he got up from the breakfast table.
"Let's go to Six Flags" Addison screamed in the middle of making a tiktok with Avani.
"Great idea Adds" Nick said.
I have never been to Six Flags before and I was really excited.
" Angel can this be our first date"I said hoping he would say yes.
"Of course baby" Nick said with the cutest smile on his face.
Thanks to @ThePartyGuy12345 for the idea to go to Six Flags

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