Chapter 52

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Offensive language.

I ran towards her.

"Mum" I called shaking her slightly turning her over so that her face was up at the ceiling. There was blood coming out of slit in her throat.

"Mum please"i said refusing to believe this. She couldn't do this to me. I pulled her wrist towards me and tried to take her pulse, I waited for the blood to come pulsing against my 2 fingers. Nothing. I screamed incoherent words at him. He killed her.

"You killed her" i say after 20 minutes of silence.

"Nicky" he said reminding me of mum's nickname for me. A cascade of tears come flooding from my eyes.

"Don't call me that" I say getting a sudden burst of confidence from nowhere.

"Listen here fag, you don't tell me what to do." he spat with pure hatred

"I'm leaving" i said grabbing my phone. I need to get to Ryland now.

"No you're not" he says towering over me. I have expected my self to give in and say "Yes sir" but i stood up straight and looked into his identical green eyes.

"Yes. I. Am." i said making a run for the door. I almost made it when i was pulled back in and slammed against the door with a huge force.

"No you're not" he said holding a piece of glass dripping with blood against my exposed neck. Mum

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