Chapter 12

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I walked out of my room to see Tony dressed in a white shirt. God he was hot.
"Hi angel you look beautiful" Tony said with a smile on his face. "No you"I said. He looked at me defeated before slipping his hand in mine and walking down the stairs.
"Are you lovebirds ready?" Ondreaz said with a smirk on his face.
"Yes" we said in unison as we shared another kiss.
"Get a room you two"Ryland said laughing as he threw a pillow at my face.We walked to the car still holding hands.
"I've got three Ubers" Alex said pointing to the two cars in front of the gate. "Choose going to be in a car with".
"Ummmmm okay what about Alex Kouvr Charli Chase and Me" Dixie said.
"Then Nick Ondreaz Addi Avani and me" Tony said. "So then Thomas Calvin Patrick Connor and Ryland."
"Okay we are sorted then let's go" Thomas said hopping into the third Uber On the way there we were holding hands and sitting next to each other. Tony put his arm around my shoulder and I blushed trying really hard to hide it.Once again I bury my face in his shoulder and fell asleep as the car ride was really long.
Tony POV
Next fell asleep on me and it was the most adorable thing ever. He let out a small little snores and I didn't want to disturb him so I just played with his hair and tried not to move at all.I saw Avani take a picture but I just ignored it.When we arrived I didn't want to wake nick up because he looked so peaceful sleeping. So Ondreaz woke him up for me.
"Yo Nick wake up we are here" Ondreaz screamed into Nick's ear.
"What?" He said with a confused look at his face.
"We are here angel"I said giving him another kiss on the forehead.
"Why didn't you wake me up baby" he asked smiling and giving me a peck on the lips.
"Cause you were so peaceful sleeping"I said embarrassed and blushing red.
"Next time wake me up"he said with a smile on his face.
Nick's POV
He didn't want to wake me up cause I looked too peaceful sleeping. He is literally the cutest guy ever. He is so sweet.
"I looked at him with puppy dog eyes "Baby can you carry me?" I asked making grabby arms towards him.
"Of course baby" and he game me a piggyback ride into Sixflags cause Thomas had already paid the entrance while everyone was getting out the car. This was gonna be the best date every.

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