Chapter 72

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Tony's POV
As we watched them leave a shocked expression painted all our emotionless faces. Nick the most shy and awkward person in the house wearing a revealing outfit and a skirt. Of course no one cared what he wore I wasn't amour place to judge but this was just unexpected. Finally Chase spoke in the silence. "He looked cute" he says as we all started bursting into laughing in unison. I couldn't get the image off my mind. It made my stomach feel weird and my face flush. We all just started talking about how it suited him and that we were happy he was confident enough to were that out in public. 'Quinton really changed him for the better. He was never this outgoing with Tony' Ryland said. I know he didn't mean it and he didn't think but it made me sick to my stomach he was happier with Quinton and without me. Everyone's head turned to me after that comment was made. Ryland who just realised how hurt I was started crying and rambling about how he didn't mean it.
"It's okay Ryland. I forgive you. You just weren't thinking." I say holding back the tears. Ryland just looks down at his lap tears soaking his lap. Ondreaz comes over with open arms. I thought he was gonna come comfort me but he lets Ryland cry into his shoulder. Well that was unexpected.
"New ship" I hear Thomas saying trying to cut the awkward tension. After some time it goes back to normal. But the atmosphere is still weird. Late at night I hear Nick's bedroom door open.

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