Chapter 74

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I sit in my room my ear against the wall. I didn't want to be nosey but I had to know what was going on.
"Quinton please stop" I heard Nick's voice. His voice was laced with fear and pain.
"I'm not ready" I heard him say again.
What the hell was Quinton doing? I decided it wasn't my life and I had to let Nick do what he wanted but I was still curious so I didn't move from my position.
I heard some moans and screaming and I was about to burst into that room when I heard this.
"Please don't" I heard Nick say. He sounded broken and what crying his eyes out.
"Why can't I f*ck u?" Quinton said in an attempt to being seductive. It just sounded gross.
"Cause my dad. H-he" Nick started before crying. I knew that they could deal with this as a couple but I couldn't wait.
I heard a loud slam and I guess that was the end of that conversation.

I ran into the room and gave Nick a big hug. He buried his head into my chest and cried.
"It's okay baby boy I'm here" I said as I kissed his forehead and stroked his head.
"Tony" he said.
"Shhhh it's okay don't speak" I said.
He looked straight at me and smiled me doing the same back.
I stared into his mesmerising blue green eyes.
We both leaned and and our lips connected. The sweet and passionate kiss lasted for a while until we both pulled away for a breath.
"I love you" I said first whilst Nick was struggling to catch his breath.
"I love you too" he said giving me a small and sweet kiss.
I heard a small whisper coming from behind me.
I turned around to see everyone standing by the door with their phones.
"Guys" we both said simultaneously.
We all started laughing. I finally got my Nick back.


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