Chapter 70

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He did care about me and he remembered me. He didn't make eye contact as he shared some whispered words with Ryland who turned to leave.
"Ry don't go" I say tried to get up.
"I'll be right back okay" he said shoving Tony in and shutting the door behind him.
"Nick" he says running towards to smiling widely, tears falling picking me up and placing me in his lap.
"I'm missed you so much" he said over and over again kissing my forehead, my check but never my lips. I don't say anything and think about whether he really missed me or not. I didn't know if i could trust him or believe him.
"Tony...." I start I fell his heart race against my back beating faster and faster with every second of silence.
"I don't know if I can trust you or if you are telling me the truth. Do you really miss me?" I say without hesitation. I lift my head upwards to see Tony on the brink of tears once again.
"Nick baby please forgive me. I didn't remembered who you where are I actually liked you at the hospital that day but I confused about my sexuality. I'm sorry. I really mean it. I need to ask you one more thing" he took a deep breath and started speaking when we were interrupted by a knock at the door. Quinton opened the door and walked in.
"Nick can you come here a sec." he asked me.
"Wait a minute I was taking to Tony" I say turning my attention back Tony seeing the anger in Quinton.
"It's urgent baby" he says once again. This time Tony is the one to get any at Quinton for calling me baby. I ignore what he said and decide I can't hold up with the nagging.
"Okay. I'm coming. I'll talk to you when I'm done okay" I say to Tony giving him a kiss on the check before attempting to walk over to the door. I see Tony blush and beam with the corner of my eye as he stands up and helps me walk to the door. Quinton is already out and Tony is just behind me.
In front of me was Quinton, holding a bouquet of red roses.
"Quin?" I ask he just smiles and hands me the roses.
"Will you be my boyfriend" he asked his smile bigger then ever. I say the house hiding behind sofas and walls. I turned behind me to find that Tony was gone. Oh sh*t.
"Quin...." I started just as I had Tony watching his smile falter and his eyes tears up. I couldn't bring myself to say no.
"Yes" I said a fake smile across my face but I doubted he could tell. I quickly hugged him before running to Tony's room. Quinton decided not to  follow me thank god.
"Tony" I whispered knocking softly on the door.
"Please open the door I didn't mean to"
I say sobbing as he didn't say a work.
I had done it know just as we had forgiven each other I let myself fall into another mistake.
Sighing I walked away from the door and into my room to see Quintin already inside waiting on my bed.
"Oh hi Quinton" I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.
"Get ready we are going on a date" he said as he left the room leaving me on my bed crying.

Omg part 100 how and 118k reads and 3k votes thank you guys so much. I never knew it would get this his big. Exactly 5 months since I started this story and it's almost done. ❤️

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