Chapter 17

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I woke up in my bed with the worst headache. I searched for my phone and it wasn't on the table were I normally place it. All the memories of what happen yesterday came flooding into my head. However I didn't remember how I had ended up in bed. I sat in bed trying to recall any memories of what had happened. I remembered Tony running after me. I felt really bad I had to apologise. I just left him.

"Ummmm Nick you awake" Avani asked as we walked through the door.

"Err Yeah hi Vani. What happened" I asked still confused.

"Guys Nick's awake." she screamed. "Are you okay?" she said with a more gentle tone.

"My head hurts that's all" I said as I heard people walking up the stairs.

"Hey Char can you bring me some Aspirin please" she asked as Charli entered the room. Charli walked out the room and everyone walked in except Tony. I was about to ask where he was when Charli came back in with the Aspirin and a glass of water. Everyone took a seat around me on my bed. I sat up against the headboard and took my aspirin and striating drinking some water.

"So what happened" I asked trying to break the awkward tension.

"You fell asleep on a bench in a nearby park. And then Tony found you and brought you home."Thomas replied smiling after just noticing that Tony wasn't there.

"Where is Tony?" I asked as I remembered how I needed to apologise.

"He hasn't left the bathroom since last night" Ondreaz replied with the slightest bit of worry on his face. "You should probably check on him." I ran out of the room and towards the bathroom in Ondreaz and Tony's room. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I heard small cries coming from the bathroom.

"Baby..." I said crying. I didn't get a response. "Please answer me" I asked but there was just silence and a sudden thud coming from the bathroom.


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