Chapter 13

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Tony's POV

We walked into to Six Flags and it was amazing. I was so excited to be spending this date with Nick. Nick was still on my back. He quiclky jumped down and I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead as he ran towards a game stall which had thousands of teddy bears.

"Baby can I have one?" he said in a cute voice

"Of course you can" I said back as I walked towards the stall to try win him a teddy bear. Luckily I won.

"Which one do you want bub?" I asked.

Nick's POV

Bub? Huh?. That's a cute name. He's really good at this. I saw a huge teddybear that was a light brown with holding a heart that said I love you.

"Here you go Bub?" He said

"Here you go Bub?" He said

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Tony's POV

"Thank you baby. I love it" he said with a huge smile on his face

Then Avani appearing asking where we had been.

"Ummmmm where have you two love birds been all this time" Avani said winking at me.

"Tony won me a teddybear"Nick said in an adorable baby voice. He was so cute when he spoke like that.

"We have have to go now everyone else it waiting to ride the X2"Avani said smiling.

"Ummm you guys go I don't want to go"Nick said his voice shaking.

Nick's POV

The X2 was so high up. I couldn't go on that ride it scared me to death.

"Why don't you want to come Bub?" Tony asked giving me a hug. I couldn't tell him. He would laugh at me and think I was stupid.

"I just don't feel like it" I replied my voice still shaking with fear.

"Okay you guys go ahead"Tony said giving Avani a reassuring smile.

"No you go too. I don't want your day to be ruined because I am not feeling like it"I said worried that I was gonna ruin his day by being a baby and being scared of heights. I never been on a plane. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The only person who knew I was afraid of heights was Avani and Chase.

"Its okay I will stay with you"Tony said smiling at me and giving me another kiss.I felt so guilty and bad. I was gonna mess up the day for everyone.

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