Chapter 69

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I'm swarmed with the members of the hype house all of them squeezing me tightly as I let out a loud cry.
"Are u okay?" Charli had asked as tears starting falling from her brown eyes. She turned around to get Kouvr but she had already left to get a first aid kit. Quickly she took of my hoodie clearly not expecting me to be naked. Everyone had turned around or left the room as they knew I couldn't walk. She looked at my scarred and bruised body. She looked disgusted, upset, angry? I couldn't really tell. She quickly hid the emotion that flashed before me for a split second. She tended to my cuts and wounds as I hissed at the touch of disinfectant on them. Still not saying a word, she left the room returning with some of Alex's clothes. She changed me leaving me feeling embarrassed and vulnerable. Kouvr sat me down on her bed tucking me in before leaving the room and returning with the others.
"I'm so sorry Nick" Charli saying holding me gentler this time like I was a piece a glass able to break at any moment.
"It's okay char" I squeak out unable to speak very well. She hid her face in Chase's chest as he put a comforting arm around her. Kouvr knelt next to me and finally spoke. "I'm sorry" was all she said and I felt the tears running again. She kissed my forehead with a motherly affection that I barely ever received.
Soon Ryland came in and lay my head on his lap as he stroked my hair softly.
I realised that everyone had left at this point and it was just me and Ryland. Just as I was drifting of into a comforting sleep, I heard a knock at the door. Ryland stood up to answer it. Tony

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