Chapter 63

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Ryland POV
Ever since Nick left no one posts any tiktok any more and we barely leave the house. Kouvr's been crying everyday and no one talks to each other anymore.
I woke up really late as the sun filled the room. I walked down the stairs to see Thomas and Mia eating some postmates and staring dully at their phones. I grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal into it and sat down on the sofa by them. Staring into the distance, I realised that I needed to call Nick to see how he was getting on. Maybe that would lift everyone's moods.
"Guys" I screaming causing everyone to run down stairs dropping anything they had in their hands in the process. This was the most noise made in days.
Making no noise I gestured for them to gather round on the sofa as they all took a seat.
"I'm calling Nick" I say after silence as their faces glow up like a thousand lightbulbs. They wait in excruciating silence anticipating the reaction on the other side of the phone.
"Ry" I hear a quite voice responded over the phone. Putting the phone on speaker a laid in on the table no one daring to make a noise.
"Nick Nick" I reply desperate to hear him once more.
"Help please" he says.
"Where are you what happened" I say trying to get more information out of him as he struggles to speak.
"He's back" he whispered as I hear a loud noise nearing the phone. The whispered that had occurred between everyone had stopped. Everyone fell silent. I hear screams coming from the phone as I struggled to hold myself from screaming down the phone. When silence has arrived, I finally plucked up the courage to respond. "I'm coming hold on" I respond as I head a loud thud against the floor. Everyone stares at me as I hang the phone up. Their face an spiting image of pure horror and sadness. I head upstairs. Tony needs to come.
It's my Birthday. I'm finally 13 yayyyy.❤️❤️❤️. More tomorrow

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