Chapter 10

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Nick's POV
" Come on then angel lets get changed" Tony said picking me up bridal style to my room.
"Baby can I go talk to Avani for a minute" I asked.
"Course" He dropped me on Addison's bed where Avani, Charli, Dixie , Addison and Kouvr where sitting around talking.
"Hey nick wanna join" Avani asked like it wasn't weird for me to be the only boy there.
"Actually I was here for some advice and help I guess" I said trying not so sound weird.
"Spill the tea sis" Charli said giggling.
"Well ummm T-Tony asked me on a d-date..." I said turned 100 shades of red in embarrassment.
"Awwwwwwww I ship" they all said in unison expect Addi she was on her phoone
"But I am afraid of heights and he is probably gonna hate me and think it's stupid." I said crying into Avani's shoulder. I don't know why but I just couldn't say this infront of any of the boys expect maybe Chase. All the girls were just better at advice I guess.
"Awww Nick don't cry" Charli said giving me a comforting hug.
"You should just tell him" Dixie said.
"He won't hate you promise" Avani said giving me a cuddle.
"Anyway about that date" Charli said and all of the girls moods changed and they were all so excited.
"One sec I will be back"Dixie said as she ran out of the room.
"Thomas when are we leaving" Dixie screamed down the stairs.
"About an hour if that is okay with u all" he screamed back.
"Sure" everyone screamed back from multiple room in the house.
God this house just has the thing for screaming.
"An hour that is not enough time to get ready for your date"Charli screamed.
" Maybe don't scream that to the whole of LA" I said laughing. " Also we don't need an hour" I said.
"Oh wait yeah ur a guy" Dixie said laughing.
"Well done for figuring that one out Dix" Avani said.
" Why don't we make tiktoks in the meantime" Charli said.
"I need to find Tony before he thinks I'm cheating on him" I say laughing walking out of the door.
"Don't forget to tell him. He won't hate you promise" Avani screamed.
Also with the screaming Avani why would you scream that. I am pretty sure the entire house heard that.
"Tell me about what" Tony said standing by the door.

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