Bonus Chapter

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You know when i asked if anyone wanted to write a chapter in this story. Well here it is.

Written by its_swayla_baby

Tony's POV

Thomas called a meeting, so Addison and I walked downstairs, everyone already was there. I sat down on the couch. We waited for a while for some reason.

"Why are we waiting for so long?" Ryland said,

"We're waiting for someone." Thomas said, are we getting a new member? A few minutes pass by, Addy laid her head on my shoulder, but then, the bell rung. Thomas opens the door, it was Nick... All the memories went through my head.. Wait no, Tony Lopez, you're dating Addison, not Nick.

"Hey Tony. You okay?" Addy says,

"Hm? What? Oh.. Yeah." I respond, "Okay then."

"Alright, this is important, that's why Nick is here." Thomas said, Nick sat down next to Ryland. Why did I feel, jealous? I shouldn't be jealous!

"Okay. The reason I called this meeting is.." I didn't hear the other words he said because I was just, zoned out. I shouldn't feel jealous just because Nick is next to Ryland! I like Addison, not Nick! I look over at Nick.. Do I still like him?

Nick's POV

I noticed that Tony was staring at me for a while now, I look back at Tony but when I did, he looked away immediately, I really missed him.

Time skip, after the meeting

Thomas said that I could stay at the Hype House for a while, I went to my room and everything was still there. I fell onto my bed and went on TikTok. Just scrolled through the FYP, then, a knock. "Come in!" I said, the door opens and, it was Tony.

"Nick. Can we talk?" He says,


"I know we haven't talked since you went back home and since the little accident."


"During the meeting, you noticed that I was staring at you."

"Tony. Shouldn't you be with Addison? Cuddling or some shit?"

"Look. I just wanted to talk to you Nick!"

"Fine! I'll give you a minute."

"Okay. Nick, I think I have feelings for you again.." My eyes widen,


"Think so. When I saw you with Ryland, don't know why but I was jealous. As much as I love Addison, I love you more.

I leaned in and he smashes his lips onto mine... It felt, right! Like this was meant to be! We both pull away, gasping for air. I look into his beautiful brown eyes, he smiles, I smile back.  "Tony! Can we cuddle?" Addison said, leaning against the door frame,

"Yeah. Just a second." Tony said, she leaves and as Tony was walking out, he winks at me and I smile. I can't believe we did that. Feels right.

Teddy Bear

i kissed Tony




ondreaz relax!

you know that almost everyone in the house ships tonick

we know that


arent addison n tony dating


does she know



I know I know

it's bad

im gonna talk to Tony real quick


End of conversation


Tony's POV

Addison was cuddled up to me, I didn't put my arm around here because, I didn't feel the connection I had before with Addison.. Ondreaz came in our room,

"Hey Tony. Addison, I wanna talk with Tony alone." Oh no..

"Kk." Addison said, kissing my cheek, she leaves the room, Ondreaz sat on the bed,

"What's the relationship between you and Nick?" Ondreaz says,

"Uh.. It's nothing. We're still.. friends....." I said,

"Really? Do friends kiss each other?"

"H-How did you know?"

"Nick. Look, you know the whole house ships you and Nick but, you have to decide if you want Nick or Addison. So, who do you want?"


"You know what to do." Ondreaz leaves the room and Addison comes back inside,

"You wanna watch a movie?" Addison said,

"Addy... I- I, I wanna break up with you."

"W-What? What's wrong with me?! I-I'm I too fat?"

"No! Nothings wrong with you, I realized that I still love Nick.. I'm sorry, we can always be friends."

"F-Fine.. I'll respect your decision." She stood up and went back to her room.. I need to tell Nick. I ran to Nick's room and opened the door,

"Hey Tony!" Nick said with a smile, he was sitting on his bed, on his phone still.

"Nick.. You're honestly the greatest thing that has EVER happened to me and..

Will you be my boyfriend?" Nick smiles even bigger but it drops,

"What about Addison?"

"Her and I broke up."

"Oh.. Well, yeah, I'll be your boyfriend." I smile and I kissed him, he kisses back and I felt, real live, once again..

This is amazing. I loved the chapter definetly better and linger then anything i ever write and hopefully more entertaining. Please go follow and read their story.

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