Chapter 14

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Nick's POV

I didn't want to ruin anyone's day so I just told Tony that I needed to use the toilet.

"Baby you go I'm gonna to the toilet I join you when the rides over"I said giving him a hug and walking in the direction of the toilets.

"Okay come on the others are waiting Tony" Avani knowing exactly what I meant. I walked straight past the toilets and hid behind a wall so that Tony and Avani couldn't see me. I fell down to my knees and buried my face in them and started crying. He was gonna laugh at me and think it was stupid. I couldn't tell him now it would just ruin the whole trip for everyone and we would have to go home. I sat there in the same position till I got a message from Tony asking where I was
Baby ❤️🚁
Baby ❤️🚁
Where are you

Are you okay?

I worried please reply

I decided to ignore him because I knew he would get mad and angry if he found out. I started walking towards the exit when I felt someone tap on may shoulder.

"Bub are you okay?" he said really worried.

Tony's POV

I don't understand why Nick was walking out of Six Flags. I don't know what did wrong.

"I'm fine"he said back with a croaky voice.He turned around to face me and his eyes were all puffy and red it was obvious he had been crying.

"Bub why were you crying. Did I do something wrong"I asked him giving him a hug.

"No it is just I didn't feel like going on the rides." he replied crying into my shoulder buried his head into me.Everyone was giving up weird looks but I didn't really care. I gave nick a kiss and asked him which rides he wanted to go on.

"Ummmmm idk......" Nick's said his voice mumbling as his face was still buried into my chest.

Nick's POV

"What about the Ferris wheel please"Tony said with such a big smile. The Ferris wheel was high up but not that high so think I can manage. I didn't really want to go but after all he did for me I felt like I had to return the favour. He looked so excited to go I couldn't say no. It would break his heart.

"Sure baby"I said giving him a quick kiss and a fake smile before walking hand in hand towards the Ferris wheel.

Thanks to Yourlastasthetic and MalakRamy4 for the ideas

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