Chapter 47

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When we arrived, we were guided to the nearest booth by a tall young man. He looked in his early 20s ,tanned skin and muscles peeking in through his tight shirt. His dirty blonde hair flopped over his crystal blue eyes making them barely visable. I was interrupted from my fantasy by the waiter loudly clearing his throat. My eyes met Addison's who had seen what had just happened. She glared at me before putting on a fake smile for the waiter

"Can I have the lasanga please" she said turning back with sadness, jealousy and filling her eyes as they turned deeper brown. I shuffled closer to her resting my hand on her thigh and whispering in her ear

"I'm sorry cutie" I watched her face fill with red as she quickly pecked my cheek.

"And for you sir?" the waiter sweet honey like voice filling the air. I had completly forgotten he was here until now.

"Steak please" I replied politely feeling the sudden urge to impress him.

"Anything for you" he whispered so that only i could hear. I fought the blush that was making its way to my cheeks as I tried to focus on Addison.

I am struggling to write this on my dad's laptop which is really slow because i haven't managed to get my laptop fixed yet. Also I'm writing with fake nails which are making it really hard to type but i have about 3 more chapter ready to type up. Please vote and comment. Thanks

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