Chapter 68

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I whimper as I push myself further into his chest. I let my eyes open and linger the dark room lit by a sole dim lightbulb hung above our heads. I see a figure at the doorway. Too dark to make out faces but I assumed it was my father. The broad shoulder, muscular figure.
"Ry" I squeak pointing to the figure that hung by the door way.
"Don't work Nicky" he said not even one taking a glance behind him.
"D-dad" I say backing up towards the corner of the room my shaking finger pointing at the shadow.
"It's not. Come here" he gestured his arms open as I hesitatingly crawling towards him. Scooping me up in this arm, he held me like a baby and walked towards the door both of us fully aware that I couldn't walk.
"Look it's Quinton" he said as I pull my head away from his comfortable shoulder.
"Quinton?" I ask I see his face in the dim light as I feel myself being handed over. We walk into the living room as Ryland gets gives me some food out of his backpack.
I feel both of their eyes scanning my body as I look down myself. I blush realising I'm naked. Quinton noticing my clear discomfort pulls of his hoodie after handing my to Ryland to once again babied next. His hoodie lay just on my middle thigh. I heard a loud noise coming from the hallway. I quickly get thrown onto Quinton as Ryland ushers him towards the door. Once I'm through Ryland slips past but is caught by the back of his hood. Struggling he gets pulled into the house.
"Ry" I scream as I hear a muffled Nick back. Quinton takes me into the car and sits me down on his lap. I hear bangs and screams coming from the house. I sit quietly asking no question biting my lip nervously until I felt the metal taste of blood on my tongue. After a few painful minutes Ryland stumbles out of the house limping his way into the passenger seat and taking me into his lap as Quinton turned the car key with haste. Ryland's hoodie and jeans were torn badly with blood soaking some of the material. His right eye was swollen and black and his lip was oozing blood.
"Ry" I say for the third time today as I lift my hand up to his cheek slowly caressing is as to ask what happened. He quickly dismissed my question and turned on the Radio. Ryland made quiet groans here and there in pain but obviously didn't want anyone else to hear. I sat in silence when I looked behind me and noticed that their was one person their that I wanted the most.
"Quin" I ask. Ryland sighs in relief that I didn't call on his name again and Quinton had a obvious blush on his face from the new nickname.
"Yes Nicky" he asks smiling but he kept his eyes fixed on the road. In the silence I contemplated whether to ask the question.
"Where is Tony" he paused his face frozen and his smile lifted firm his face. Ryland was starting to stare into space and Quinton's face remained still. It took a couple minutes for them to respond.
It was Ryland who responded.
"He wasn't feeling well" Ryland responds his face still reading no emotion. He was lying straight through his teeth but I decided not to push it. I felt tears forming in my eyes. He really does hate me. I sit silent for the rest of the ride as I feel hot tears fall soaking init Quinton's hoodie. I look around my else familiarising to the surrounding. We were getting close. We arrived at an unknown location of a huge block of apartments.
"Oh yeah bye the way we moved" Ryland says as he lifts me of his lap and into the ground of the parking lot. I steady myself using the car to lean against as I try walk the excruciating pain still running through my body. I feel myself slipping and falling before Ryland picks me up again as Quinton opens the door. I walk in and I see everyone waiting at the door. Most of them passed out on the sofas. I scan the house for Tony but he hasn't appeared. Ryland loudly clears his throat as he sets me down on the sofa that was empty.

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