Chapter 21

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Nick's POV

When I arrived at Sway I started to regret running away so quickly and not being there for Tony but I couldn't go back now because they would all hate me for not being there especially Tony, Ondreaz and Avani. My heart was beating so fast. I had only packaged a couple clothes in a rush. I hadn't even asked them if I was allowed to stay there. My heart was beating so fast as I knocked on the front door.

I heard Bryce screaming at Quinton to open the door. Quinton opened the door greeting me with a confused expression on his face.

"Nick hi......." he said still staring at me.

"I-I T-tony h-he" I said as I felt tears streaming down my face.

"Calm down okay come inside take a seat." Quinton said taking my back and guiding me towards the sofas in the living room. He went to the kitchen to get me a glass a water and some tissues. He called everyone to the living room and trying not to scare me and he was so kind and caring.

"What happened buddy" Josh asked the slightest hint of his Canadian accent peeking in.

"Tony he......." I said sobbing and breathing heavily.

"Take your time" Quinton said holding the glass up to my lips.i took a small sip of water before placing it back down again. Everyone sat there with full attention and they actually listened. I never felt like I was able to talk to everyone in the hype house like this.

"H-he cut because of me so I ran away" I said my voice muffled as I was sobbing into Quinton shoulder his arm around my shoulder comforting me.

"Is he okay?" Griffin asked concerned.

"He's in the hospital" I said running my fingers through my hair is stress.

"You can stay with us as long as you want okay" Kio said giving me a comforting smile. Jaden got my bag and took me too a room that already seemed to have been occupied.

"This is Quinton's room can you 2 share" Jaden asked with uncertainty in his voice.

"Of course" I said flashing them a genuine smile. Quinton was a nice and kind person. He understands.

I started to unpack my things when I heard I knock at the door. Bryce opened the door and called me.

"Nick a certain someone is here to see you" he said you could tell he was annoyed with whoever that was.

"Oh No..............................................

The most requested new stories were

1 Another Nick and Tony

2 Thomas and Ondreaz

3 Josh and Anthony

4 Bryce and Jaden

Comment 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 s I can start a new story

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