Chapter 33

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Warning Offensive Language. Physical and Verbal abuse.

He dragged out of the dark alleyway but the ear whilst constantly telling me how worthless I was. Maybe I should die......

"Shoot the police" I heard coming from the muscular man labelled as my 'father'. Suddenly I was blinded by flashes of red and blue.

"Nicky" I heard coming from all the noise that surrounded me.

"RyRy" I said back in hope that he would hear me.

"Shut up 'fag'. Listen. You agree with everything I say" he said as an angry expression crossed his previous worried face as he turned to look at me with cold green eyes.

"Put your hands up" I heard an officer say. He looked young in his early 30's. He had a head of curly dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.

He walked up to be and towered over me just as my 'father' did and I cowered in fear. He turned around and said

"Arrest him"

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