Chapter 61

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Sensitive scene
Nick's POV
I bring the pills up to my face with my shaking hand.
"What are you doing?" A loud booming face come through the door in sinc with the door bursting open.
"Trying to kill your self again." He mocked as he mimicked my hand rising up to my mouth. He laughed at my pathetic misery as he dragged me to where I had through I did myself from forever. The basement. The floor was littered with broken bottle of alcohol and the smell of burnt cigarettes filled the small damp room. You could barely see where the walls where as all the light the room was a dim lightbulb in the middle of the room. He kicked my a couple times and gave me a flew punched like a dirty rag on the floor. I dared make no noise because the more noise I make the more weak I seem and the more I get hurt. I fell him tie a rough rope around my hands and bound me to a chair as he forced my clothes off.
"Please" I scream in protest struggling to keep quiet as he shoves a sock into my mouth trying to keep me quiet.
"Stop" I scream desperately as he rips my trouser and my boxers off but all that can we hear is a mumble. As he finished all he wanted to do with me he gave me a few more kicks before leaving the room. I felt my body go limp. I felt disgusting. Struggling I try bring the rope up to my neck. I'm almost there when my father burst in again untying my and grabbing a bottle of beer. I scream again and again begging for the ropes. I hear the buzzing coming from the table across the room. My phone I instantly realise. He must have taken it off me before. I crawl across the floor slowly my bottom half aching with pain as i felt blood dripping on the floor with everyone movement. I struggling crawling towards the table. It seemed so close but so far at the same time. After what seemed like hours I managed to get to the table heaving myself up in excruciating pain. Grabbing the phone I sank back down on the floor my phone lighting up with a name. Ryland.

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