😊Deidara x Kurotsuchi Part 1 😊

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Deidara x Kurotsuchi

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Deidara held a young Kurotsuchi's hand as they promised each other never to forget the other. She held tears of anguish in as she pleaded with the young boy not to leave. He stroked her pale face and wiped the tears away as he tried not to falter in his steps.

"Imouto." Deidara said sternly. Kurotsuchi sniffled with a pained look on her face. "Don't cry over me." He warned her intensely. Kurotsuchi held onto the newly rogue ninja's hand, refusing to leave. "You're only twelve!" She squealed aloud. Deidara sighed sadly. "Your only ten."

Deidara tried to silence the young girl who he thought of as a best friend for all of his life. They sat in the temple of the Tsurikage, trying to prevent the other from leaving. Kurotsuchi held onto his robes tightly, crying now.

"I'll come back! I have to perfect my art! This stupid lying village isn't going to do that for me!" Deidara pulled the white glove off of his hand and flashed it to the girl. She lept back in shock, seeing the mouths open and close curiously.

"YOU STOLE-!" Her screams were ended when he placed a small kiss on her cheek. With a push she lightly dived out of the way afterwards, a small burst of pink on her cheeks. Deidara flashed her a white grin, flipping his long hair over his shoulder.

"We'll meet again." Deidara winked at the shocked little girl. She almost didn't realize that she was holding something as he ran away from her and down the staircase with a furious pace. Kurotsuchi watched his blonde hair fall out of sight as he jumped and dived away.

She held out her hand and looked at it. A small crafted bird laid in her hand.

She only snapped out of it when the explosions started, and she ran to join the fray of loyal ninja.

(3 year Time skip brought to you by Sasori's left butt cheek)

Kurotsuchi saw him again on the battlefield. As strong and accomplished as she was, she couldn't bare to kill him. It didn't escape her notice that Deidara didn't direct his taunts to her, or throw his explosive clay towards her. This is why she teased and taunted him, calling him big brother on the field as if he had never left. Deidara paid her no mind, chuckling lightly as if embracing an old friend.

Her gobbled up clay that nearly hit him exploded in a range of fiery senbon. Deidara didn't take her seriously, instead focusing on her partners. His replacement, a sad and unnoticeable ninja tripped and dissolved comically as one of Deidara's spider bombs hit him. Kurotsuchi rolled her eyes as Deidara landed softly next to her, a wide and childish grin on his face.

"What are you doing Deidara?" She questioned him angrily. Her false glare didn't waver as he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards his clay bird.

"Kurotsuchi I apologize but let me show you my ultimate art." Deidara grinned happily. She pulled her short hair over her ear and scowled at him.

A large punch came to his face as he went flying across the plain, flipping and rolling shoulder to shoulder across the plain. She didn't know what made her say it. But she did regardless.

"I'll think about it." Kurotsuchi huffed and sat on the huge clay bird built for two, ignoring Deidara's pained groans as he lifted himself.

(Later that night brought to you by Katsu!)

Kurotsuchi stared Deidara in the face blankly as they flew through the sky catching up. Deidara excitedly told her about the villages he'd destroyed, and the amazing explosive clay he'd produced all by himself. He loved being free to make whatever art and whatever explosions he wanted. On and on he droned about his art, speaking with a blush on his face about how it held a comparison to love itself.

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