😤Borutox Reader 😤

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Pick one cuties

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Pick one cuties

"Are you ready Y/N?" The sweet voice of her mother whispered in her ear as the young girl tried to calm her breath. She was recently brought to the village after a big move. Y/N was 12, and almost ready to graduate with the rest of her brand new classmates. As her mother had explained, she only had a few weeks to perfect her skills before graduation. Y/N was dressed in her kimono gear, her lips pressed thinly in a smooth line.

"Yes momma." Y/N smiled in a small bow, and nodded as her mother passed her the bento box she favored.

"Good Kat." Her mother's nickname for her murmured. "Now make me proud." Her mother lightly pushed her towards the staircase, Y/n sighing as she realized she had no way around this.

"Here we go." Y/N sighed to herself as she slowly walked down the halls, feeling very alone. She was clearly late, as everyone was already in class. "Great." Y/N muttered to herself as she stopped in front of the room number that was written on her paper.

"This is already hell." She muttered to herself as the door opened, and the entire class started at her. Her hair was nicely done in an updo, half of it cascading down her back. Her eyes were finely rimmed with black eyeliner, common in her mother's clan was beauty.

"Hello... Y/N Miyu is it?" The teacher said gently, making her nod. "Class, this is the new student I've been speaking of." Y/N bit her lip as she looked around the room, many eyes glued to her as they surveyed her.

Y/N immediately met black eyes, a glare pulling back on Y/N's face as she surveyed the girl with a challenged look. The girl didn't waver under her gaze, and didn't show emotion. She could see the Uchiha emblem on the girl's clothes, anger shining through her face for just the slightest second.

The Uchiha had killed her father, but Y/N held no grudge against his offspring. Y/N turned back to the teacher, who was repeating her name. "I'm sorry." She quickly added, averting her eyes to the floor as she shuffled her feet. The teacher smiled at her.

"I'm Shino Sensei, Boruto Uzimaki raises your hand." Shino patted her back as she looked around the classroom again.

"HELL YEAH!" Boruto cheered, punching his fist into the air. Y/N raised an eyebrow as the boy started exclaiming profanity and teasing several boys nearby who were groaning in sadness. "Yep, I get to show Y/N-Chan around!" Boruto smirked, making Y/N chuckle as she walked over to him.

"Right here, my lady." Boruto smirked as he pulled out a chair beside him, Y/N sitting in it shyly. Her face remained blank as Boruto then proceeded to poke her while Sensei kept talking."So.. Where did you come from?" Boruto grinned as she got out her notebook, trying to listen to the lecture.

"The depths of hell." Y/N said simply, keeping her eyes trained on her notebook. Y/n dutifully took notes as the boys laughed at her quietly.

"You're funny." He laughed at her. Y/N smiled but didn't say anything, feeling eyes bore into her again. She looked up to meet the same girls gaze, she was facing her entirely as she openly stared.

"Boruto." Y/N turned to the boy, who was staring at her in a dreamy look.

"Yes Y/N-Chan?" He smiled at her as she tilted her head subtly in Uchiha's direction. Boruto looked over to Sarada, who was facing the board now.

"Who is that Uchiha girl that keeps staring at me?" Y/N tutted her lip out in annoyance, making Boruto snicker.

"Sarada? She's a really good friend of mine. We practically grew up together." Boruto exclaimed excitedly, throwing an arm around Y/N's arm in a fake yawn.

"You know babe, I hope to grow up with you too." Boruto added as he looked down at the now red faced girl.

"And that concludes the fourth great ninja war-!"

Boruto went flying into the board and broke through it, whining as Y/N smiled. "Sorry Sensei." She smirked as Shino started berating the boy about his broken board.


When the bell rang, Y/N started packing her items, Boruto looking at her with a small groan. "Damn it Y/N, you pack such a punch." Boruto whined as he shook his head. "But it's okay because you're pretty cute." He added as she started blushing again.

"Stop that Boruto." Y/N gently said as she stood up, her hand now grabbing his shoulder. "Can you show me around now?"

"Of course." Boruto exclaimed, just excited she still wanted to see him.

"You seem the friendliest." Y/N sighed as she answered his question without him asking. Boruto grinned at her.

"I'll show you the cherry tree." Boruto took her hand and started to pull her away, her feet having to speed up to stay at his pace.

"What's that?" Y/N questioned as she fixed her hair once Boruto dropped her hand, the strands getting in her eyes slightly.

"This is where you bring the people you like the most." Boruto proudly exclaimed, then immediately kissed her hand. Y/N's eyes widened as she looked around at the fallen cherry blossom petals.

"My advice to you is to run for the hills." Y/N looked up to see that same girl again, crouched in the tree. She jumped down smoothly while maintaining eye contact with Y/N. "I can tell you have taste, which means avoid him with all you have." The girl smirked as Y/N nodded.

"He doesn't seem too bad." Y/N shrugged lightly.

"Thanks Y/N." Boruto grinned and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. Y/N scrunched up her face in embarrassment, red tinting her cheeks.  Sarada quickly grasped out and grabbed a pink petal from Y/N's hair, gingerly holding it.

"Pft, Whatever." Sarada turned her back on him while facing Y/N. "When you decide to ignore him, come sit with me." And she flipped away, making Y/N watch with slight awe.

"She's just jealous." Boruto sighed."Sorry about that Y/N." Y/N smiled lightly, a blush on her face.

"I'll still be your friend Boruto." Y/N held Boruto's hand softly.


"Hm, interesting." Sarada smirked while swinging on the one lonely swing. She held the petal that she had taken out of Y/N's hair.

"Why does she have to be so cute?"


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