🤷‍♀️Itachi x Reader🤷‍♀️

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Itachi x Innocent Reader

Lol why are these always so sad

Itachi coughed up blood as he was pinned to the chair, Sasuke's lightning chakra blade holding him down. He had managed to sneak up on him and was interrogating him about the Uchiha's past. "Impossible." Sasuke muttered as Itachi told him about Madara Uchiha surviving. Sasuke's breath hitched as he felt metal against his neck.

He dropped the blade, and Itachi coughed blood. "I thought I told you to stay put." Itachi murmured without looking. Sasuke's eyes widened, Itachi had had company the entire time.

"I'm not letting you do this." A woman's voice murmured in Sasuke's ear. Her kunai was pressing lightly against his neck, but hard enough to draw blood.

"This is between Sasuke and I dear, you knew this was to come." Itachi sighed, rubbing his forehead. Sasuke dared to look behind him, and his black eyes met with (e/c) eyes. She was angry, and hurt was seeping from her eyes. She shook her head in anger.

"You're not even fighting Itachi. You're not even trying." She gritted her teeth and Sasuke saw an opportunity. While her eyes were on Sasuke, he grabbed the kunai and in their struggle, she was kicked and went flying. The feeling of his foot on her chest left her out of breath as she rolled and hit her shoulder against the wall. Sasuke dropped her kunai, anger in his eyes.

"What is this? The heartless Itachi has a cute little girlfriend?" Sasuke mocked him while he surrounded Itachi, to the annoyance of Itachi's face. Itachi nodded grimly.

"Did she help you too?" Sasuke walked over to the girl on the floor who was growling, ready to fight him. "She's stubborn." Sasuke smirked as he easily fought her and grabbed her by the hair. He walked her with her arm behind her back, and forced her to kneel at Itachi's feet. She spit blood on the floor from the force of the punch Sasuke had given to her.

"No. Y/N came later." Itachi nodded at her, a silent promise in her eyes. She shook her head angrily.

"Itachi you know you could take this brat. You know that." Y/N spit on the floor. "We can kill him together, and live forever." Y/N pleaded. Itachi shook his head at her sadly.

"You know my wishes Y/N. It would be wise to keep quiet." He sighed, blood spewing out of his own. Sasuke pulled her hair back and leaned in closer, looking her in the eyes. His sharingan was activated.

"Now, tell me the truth. What is your relationship with Itachi? And I'll know if you lie." Sasuke glared at her. She gritted her own teeth at the force of his hands in her hair. He tugged again.

"He's my boyfriend." Y/N spit out weakly. Sasuke smirked.

"Oh, did I hit a nerve?" Sasuke smirked as he pointed to her ribs. One of which was nearly protruding out of her chest.

"I fought my way to get here." Y/N groaned, and Sasuke could indeed see battle wounds all over her. "I fought, and I fought, and I fought with all my life."

"She cares about you Itachi." Sasuke looked at Itachi, his blank face speaking silent words. "That means you do too." Sasuke smirked. "And she's so weak, she wasted all of her chakra." Sasuke chuckled darkly as he pulled her head back, revealing her neck. "Maybe I'll slit her throat in front of you." Sasuke smirked.

Itachi frowned, but smiled. "She will not join me where I'm going, Sasuke." Itachi chuckled. "You've truly grown." Without warning as Sasuke was focusing on Y/N, Itachi leapt and struck. Forced to let go of her, Sasuke and Itachi were locked in a battle, Y/N coughing as he looked up.

"You asshole Itachi." Y/N pushed herself up and grabbed her sword again, looking for an opening to join the battle.

"Get out of here while you still have the chance Y/N." Itachi warned her as his foot connected with Sasuke's chest, chakra ripping the place with lightning bolts. "Even I won't be able to save you from the true fate Sasuke has for you." Itaci pulled his sleeves up, and stood in between her and his brother. Sasuke got to his foot with determination. Y/N frowned.

"True.. Fate?" Y/N mumbled, she had a nice long range jutsu she wanted to use, she just needed to wait until Sasuke was caught off guard.

"Long ago I took everything Sasuke had." Itachi sighed, as he waited for Sasuke to attack. "This is his opportunity to take everything of mine as well."

"Perfect." Sasuke looked at Y/N with a dangerous glint in his eye. "In my eyes you are only trash that serves as a pedestal to my revenge." Sasuke smirked at her. Y/N narrowed her eyes.

"Come get me." She spit on the floor, and lowered herself to a near crouch. She launched herself towards the deadly ninja but was stopped by arms wrapping around her.

"What?" She gulped as she looked up. The arms were strong, and she had no chance of fighting back.

"You can't interfere with fate Y/N-Chan." A high pitched voice whistled in her ear. Her jaws dropped as she kicked and screamed.

"Itachi no!" Y/N screamed as she was dragged away. Itachi smiled at her.

"It will be alright. Go home, take a nap, and live your life love." Itachi smiled sadly at her. Y/N kicked and fought against Tobi, but he was just too strong.

"Goodbye Itachi-San!" Tobi called out loudly, and excitedly. Y/N kicked and screamed as Tobi made to leave.

Sasuke's eyes were fixed on her as she kicked, wanting to kill him. He made a silent promise to himself that he would battle her, and give her her chance.

"Goodbye Y/N." Itachi said a quiet goodbye as air around her swirled, and she was gone, his fight continuing with Tobi.

Y/N fell against Tobi at the Akatsuki hideout, her foot slamming into his. Tobi squealed with surprise. "You asshole! I could have stopped him." Y/N sobbed, punching Tobi weakly in the chest. She fell to the floor in pain.

"Oh stop it Y/N." Tobi helped her up and carried her over to the medical bay. Her feet dragged weakly against the floor as he tried to help her. "You escaped from the base, fought your way through so many leaf ninja and enemies, but what? You knew what Itachi wished to do." With every word Tobi's voice got deeper and darker. Y/N nodded with tearful eye.

"Whatever." She muttered, looking away as he picked her up and laid her on the bed. He shook his head at her.

"You're still so young. Do not worry Y/N. You will see Itachi again one day." Tobi rubbed her hair as she collapsed in on herself. Sobs breaking from her heart as he healed her.

"I know." Tobi patted her back. The Infinite Tsukuyomi would save them all one day. 

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