✌︎︎Chapter 5✌︎︎

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Gus was about to turn around and walk away looking embarrassed when i stopped him.

"What are we getting high off of?"

He grabbed my hand and lead me downstairs through the living room into his room. I sat on his bed and he closed the door and locked it.

"Text Rawska and tell him you're going to Wiggy's house for 3 days. Tell Wiggy that no matter what not to tell your brothers that you aren't there. You're not leaving this bedroom until you are completely sober and not hungover."

I did as i was instructed and i sent my brother a quick text. He replied saying it was fine. I then told Wiggy the situation and he agreed.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"I know this is your first time, your brother told me you had been sober your whole life. I want to have your first time be a good trip."

"What if i like it too much and then i get addicted?"

"Then at least you'll have someone to get high with all the time"

"What drugs are we doing Gus."

"What do you want to try?"

"Honestly can i just eat some edibles at first and then we'll see from there"

"Okay. Im going to take everything you take so we are even and im not on something else that could possibly give you a scare. Its going to hit a little harder and faster since it is your first time but just try to relax and if you need anything im right here."


He handed me a small piece of a brownie and i ate it. I could tell there was weed in it and it tasted kind of weird but it was fine. About 20 minutes went by and then my head started to spin. I look over at Gus and he's laying next to me in the bed. I giggle a little, i dont know why tho. Then i start to feel hungry.

"Gus im hungry."

"What snacks are you craving?"

"Hot cheetos and an Arizona."

"Okay i'll be back don't do anything"

He left the room and cam back with a big bag of hot cheetos and a gallon of Arizona along with some doritos, lays, and a gallon of Hawaiian punch. He handed me my chips then threw the other two on the bed and set the gallons on the floor.

"Can i have some more?"

"Yeah here"

He handed me a bigger piece of the brownie and i ate it. Then i started eating my hot cheetos while staring at him eat his chips staring back at me.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure"

He put on the conjuring. Im guessing he likes scary movies.

"Tomorrow is going to be hell for you if you don't stay high." He pointed out.

"What will make tomorrow better?"

He reaches over and grabs a white powder out of his first drawer and my thoughts went everywhere.

"Its molly. Im only going to let you do one key no more. That will be the last thing for today and tomorrow we can kiss some styrofoam."

"What does that mean?"

"Lean baby, lean"

He laid down and i laid down next to him. He opened his arms and I scooted closer so i could rest my head on his chest. We watched the movie in silence and then came time to "do my key"

"Drink something first."

I reached over for my gallon and took the cap off. I took a big gulp and then i set it on the nightstand. He grabbed his keys and picked out on of them. He scooped up some of the white powder and held it up to my nose. I snorted it and the burning sensation instantly hit me. I made a weird face before feeling the sensation go away. A couple minutes went by and then i started to feel paranoid. I was shaking and looking around rapidly for my phone.

"Hey stop."

Gus grabbed me by my arm and lead my back to the bed. He hugged me and shushed me. I was very tense at first and then I melted into the hug. He ran one hand down my back and the other on massaged my hair. I fell asleep about 20 minutes of us just sitting there hugging each other on his bed.

a/n: here's a little chapter for you😌👍🏽

Brother's Best Friend by Roxie7714Where stories live. Discover now