♕Chapter 8♕

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I woke up to my phone vibrating on my desk. I junped down from my bed and looked at the caller id. It was Gus. I looked at the time, it was 6 am so i wasn't planning on going back to sleep. I answered the call.


"Im sorry for calling you but i cant sleep."

"Okay ill be over in a minute."

I brushed my teeth and made my bed before putting on a pair of socks and sliding on his hoodie. I glanced at my brother and he was sleeping peacefully on his bed. I walked over to him and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead. I then opened the door quietly and stepped out to the hall way. I walked towards Gus' room. Once at the door I knocked lightly and opened it. Gus was sitting on his bed playing games on his phone. I closed the door and locked it before walking over to him.


"So are we going to sleep or stay up?" I asked.

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Im kind of sleepy and you said you couldn't sleep so lets just take a nap or something."

"Okay sure."

He scooted over a bit and held the blanket up for me to get in. I climbed on the bed and Gus put his arm around me. I turned around facing him and putting one arm under my head and the other around his torso. He leaned in and kissed me before pulling me closer to him and kissing my forehead. We fell asleep and woke up around 10:30 am.

"Good morning baby." He cooed.

"Morning." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"What do you want to do today?"

"Do you want to have a movie day with me and my brothers. Thats what we usually do on Sundays if we arent too busy." I requested.

"Yeah sure let me get ready."

"Okay, I'll go get ready too. Ill see you in the theater in like 15 minutes."

I walked out of the room to go wake my brothers. Rawska was on the third floor in the recording studio.

"Movie day?"

"Big bet give me 20 minutes."

I walked back downstairs into my room and my brother was sleeping.

"Hey Rayden." I shook him lightly.


"Get up we're doing movie day today."


He got up and went to his bathroom and i went to mine. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a slinky bun. Then i washed my face and walked out of the bathroom. When i walked out Rayden was waiting for me at the door. He put his arm around me and we walked towards the third floor. Once there we passed the bar into the theater. My other brother and my forbidden lover were already making popcorn and getting everything ready.

"Okay so Rayden and i say we watch all the Harry Potter movies or all the Star Wars movies, what do you guys think?" I suggested.

"Harry Potter" Zay said without thinking.

"Harry Potter for sure." Peep stated.

"Fine but next week we're watching Star Wars." I pouted because i wanted to watch Star Wars today.

Rayden sat down in the first row and Rawska sat in the second row. I sat in the back row because i really liked it. Gus sat next to me.



The movie started and i put the blanket i had on top of me.

"You're still wearing my hoodie." Gus whispered to me.

"Yeah thanks for stating the obvious."


"Yeah i bite too dont get too close"

"I'll stay away then"

We didnt talk the rest of the movie or the second one, or the third one or the fourth one. I got up to get some popcorn before the fifth movie and Gus followed.



"What do you want for Christmas?"

"Gus that's three weeks away"


"Whatever you think i will like is fine."

"Give me a hint"

"I like sharks"

"Say less"

We walked back to our seats and they had already started the movie. The other four movies went by faster than expected. Im surprised i didnt stand up and leave during the first movie because i can barely stay focused watching a movie but i guess i wanted to stay close to Gus. It was 1 am and i was tired.

"Hey im going to sleep."

"Goodnight" Zay called out as i was leaving the theater.

My brother came out shortly after and we walked to our room. I decided to take a quick shower and then go to sleep. When i got out of the shower i brushed my teeth and then my phone started vibrating. I looked at the caller id and it was Gus. I finshed brushing my teeth and answered the phone.


"We never got to kiss styrofoam babygirl"


I put on Zay's hoodie i had in my closet and a pair of shorts. I let my wet hair down. I checked on my brother and he was passed out. I went towards my other brother's room to check on him and he was also sleeping. I then ran quietly towards Gus' room and opened the door locking it behind me. Gus walked over to me and put one arm above my head and the other snaked around my waist. He kissed me softly and i blushed. He then walked over to the dresser and grabbed two styrofoam cups. He prepared the mix and once he was done i was a little scared. He noticed.

"Dont worry about it, its going to be fine."

All I remember after taking 3 sips is seeing Gus smile then i blacked out.

Brother's Best Friend by Roxie7714Where stories live. Discover now