☘︎︎Chapter 9☘︎︎

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I wake up to a knock on the door. Gus wakes up aswell. He walks over to the door and slightly opens it not letting me see who was at the door.

"Hey have you seen Astrid?" Rayden pushes the door open and sees me on the bed.

"Astrid why are you in here and why was the door locked?"

"Rayden i-"

"Dont try and lie to me i know you can't"

"I did drugs with Gus" I put my head down.

"Are you for real right now? You were the only one that was clean. You were supposed to stay clean till you were of age and you weren't supposed to do anything illegal. Astrid you were supposed to be different than the rest of us." My brother shakes his head in disappointment.

Gus stands by the door silently not knowing what to do.

"Im not that different from you and Zay. If anything the only thing that makes me different is that i dont have a dick. You guys are trying to protect me from addiction and honestly it just makes me desire it more. Ray listen, let me be like you guys and live the "hard life" you guys live so i can decide whether thats what i want or not. Let me fall but help me get up just like how ive been helping you guys through it all"

"You're lucky i love you and im the most understanding person ever, now just hope Zay is feeling forgiving today"

"Thank you Ray i love you too"

He walked out and Gus came towards me.

"Im sorry this is my fault."

"Its okay dont worry about it everything is going to be fine, my brothers love me too much"


I gave him a peck on the cheek before walking out to my room to get ready for the day. Once i was done i went on my phone to look at pictures of Gus. Then my brother called me.

"Garage in 5 minutes we're going for a ride"


I knew exactly what was going to happen. He was going to give me a whole lecture about how drugs are bad but then tell me i could do whatever i wanted. Thats what usually happened every time he wanted to "take me on a ride". My heart beat a little faster once i reached the garage. Zay was waiting for me by the ferrari. I got in the passenger seat and put on my seat belt. Zay did the same. He drove out and once we were on the highway he started talking.

"I think you're ready now"

"Wait are you serious?"

"Yeah i was going to wait for your 17th birthday to let you do whatever you wanted to do but i think you're ready. Plus it's only a month away."

"I thought you were going to lecture me"

"There are boundaries"

"Yep i knew it"

"First of all, you can only do it with either me, Rayden, Gus, or Wiggy. Those are the most trusted. If you dont want to do it with one of us anyone in gothboiclique is acceptable but i prefer you do it with us. Second, no coke what so ever. Anything but coke and you know why. Third, only do the amount you think you can handle and if we tell you to stop, then stop. Fourth, any alcohol you drink and any drugs you do has to be in a trusted place around trusted people. If you get caught by the police then we're all fucked. In case you do get caught by police high, say you think someone drugged you and you were looking for help. If they find you drunk well we're about to fix that problem right now."

"What do you mean were are we going?"

"You're getting a fake id"

"Dude right now?"

"We have to have a fake one Astrid. You decided you wanted to try this life to the fullest so that's what we're doing"

a/n: another filler chapter👉🏽👈🏽 thank you to anyone still reading this.

Brother's Best Friend by Roxie7714Where stories live. Discover now