♭Chapter 44♭

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*PLEASE READ* a/n: Hey so like im extremely sorry for not updating this whole time and for not making this a long chapter like i promised but i'll double update today. I might end the book soon as i already thought about it and i wouldn't like the story to keep on being dragged out like this having it go nowhere. Im not shure if i should end it at chapter 50 or 45 so let me know if you want a little more of the story or if you're just tired of it haha. Anyways i love you guys thank you for reading and thank you so muvh for 4k reads i love you.


I laid down and started thinking about everything. Where could she be. Why did i get into an argument with her. What was it about. I went to stand up and my legs were in pain. They've been the whole time but i pushed through it without noticing. I sat on the ground and started crying. This is all my fault. Im in pain, embarrassed and worried. I need Astrid right now but she wouldn't understand.

"Fuck this" I whispered through sobs.

I want drugs so bad right now but i don't know if i want to fuck up my body even more. Rawska comes back in the room and sees me crying.

"What are you crying for your fucked this up"

I wish i could tell him what actually happened. I wish i could say something. All i can do right now is cry harder. I can't breathe.

"What's wrong with you?"


"You what."

I have to tell someone. I can't be this way. It's embarrassing but if i don't say something im gonna drown."

"They did it... i didn't know what to do... i was almost blacked out... but i... i remember what happened." I said between sobs.

"What are you talking about what happened?"

He came and sat down next to me. He hugged me and i cried.

"It's okay you can talk to me"

"I can't... I'm embarrassed"

"Shh what happened?"

I tried to get myself together and built up courage to tell him what happened.

"I didn't want to talk to her but i gave in. I was high. She told me to go to this party and i went. She took me upstairs and we talked then we smoked and i think she laced my shit." I was talking calmly and with anger and pain behind my words.

"What did she do?"

"Sh- she got on top of me. I couldn't control my body very well."


"She started doing stuff to me and someone else came in" Tears started to meet my eyes again.

"All i felt was pain... then someone opened the door. I think it was Astrid, she stood there and probably got the wrong idea. I couldn't make up the words at the time but i wanted to yell out for help. I couldn't tell her to save me. She just saw me there and i'm embarrassed." When i finished the last sentence the tears fell from my eyes.

I kept crying as Rawska looked at me in shock not being able to speak what so ever.

"You have to tell her" He put his arms around me comforting me.

"I can't i'm embarrassed"

"What happened to you shouldn't happen to anyone you have to tell her and don't worry about your ex we can deal with that and the other person, go find my sister"

"My legs hurt too much i don't know how i even made it here." I cried harder and held on to him.

"I'll tell Fish to help you just go find her you need to talk to her."

"Okay" I stopped crying now and pulled myself together kind of.

Rawska left and soon enough Fish came in the room.

"What the fuck happened bro" He came up to me and pulled me up from the floor.

"Nothing I need to find Astrid" I said whipping the tears from my face.

"Doesn't seem like nothing"

"Shut up"

We left and got into one of the cars.

We drove all over Vegas and couldn't find her anywhere. I called her phone more than 50 times in the past 5 hours and so did Fish. There is no sign of her anywhere and i'm starting to get worried. It's not like I'm even ready to talk to her i'm more than terrified but i can't get high right now it would ruin everything more.


Eventually we drove all day all over the city, went to multiple police station and she was nowhere to be found. I kept thinking of where she could've went and i suddenly got a random memory i hoped would would work for something. I told Fish to drive to Henderson and up to the edge of the city. I saw a figure sitting up in the mountain but i couldnt see it clearly since it was so dark. I turned on my flashlight on my phone and started running and hoping it was Astrid.


I saw a light getting closer to me and hoped it was someone here to save me. Didnt know if i wanted it to be Gus or not but when they got up to me i prayed it wasn't. Then i saw his face barely and i knew who it was, i fell back into my feeling of exhaustion and passed out in his arms. His beautifully tattooed arms neck and face were all i could think about. His color split hair and the smell of weed laced with cologne on his shirt. This man i've grown to fall in love with was carrying me being broken himself. But i hated him for a second, for lying.

Brother's Best Friend by Roxie7714Where stories live. Discover now