☔︎︎Chapter 10☔︎︎

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Rawska and I arrive in a sketchy place. We are im downtown Las Vegas right now and it's always given me weird vibes. We get out of the car and walk towards the back of one of the wedding chapels.

"Dont worry nothing bad is going to happen ive been here with basically all of gbc. The guy that makes the id's are identical to the originals and no one can tell the difference not even experts, okay? Just dont seam nervous and try to chill everything will be fine"


I take a deep breath to try and relax and Zay knocks on the door. An ugly woman with an excessive amount of make up opens the door and we walk inside. She goes to take her place in a chair next to a fat man.

"Why hello Rawska, what do you have for me here?" The man exclaims.

"She's my little sister you sick fuck"

The man stays quiet and Zay hands him my id.

"How old?"


Zay hands the lady a stash without counting it and we all sit there in awkward silence. The man hands me the id and Zay leads me out of the sketchy place with his hand on the small of my back. Once in the car i try to spot differences and there are none.

"Keep the fake one with you always and stash the original somewhere in your room. Dont get them mixed up Astrid, seriously. That's the only way you could ever get caught."


My brother parked the car at the fashion show mall in the middle of the strip and we got out.

"Why are we here?"

"Figured since we were already out that we would have one of our mall days"

"Oh those days where you unexpectedly take me to the mall and let me go crazy"

"Pretty much"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah i got plenty dont worry about it"

We walked around and i went into a couple stores and had Zay buy some things i liked. I had about 6 bags when we passed the apple store.

"Hey zay."


"You remember that phone i wanted."

"On your birthday"

"Ugh fine"

I went to a couple more stores and bought some decorations for my room, clothes, jewelry, and lots of sunglasses. I also got a nose piercing, silver. We walked back to the car with a bunch of bags and i tried to fit them in the car. We drove off and i checked the time. It was 9:40. We would get home around 10:20 or so. I put on some of Zay's songs and we vibed the whole ride. Once home i got out and walked to my room. I set everything on the floor, i could deal with that later. Rayden came in the room.

"We're getting fucked up tonight"

"Right now, or do i have time to get comfortable?"

"Just go upstairs whenever you're ready, i like the piercing by the way."

"Thank you"

I got up and took a quick shower and got into one of the anime shirts i bought at Hot Topic today. Then i let my hair down and put on a pair of grey sweatpants. I walked upstairs to the third floor and i could hear the music boosting. When i walked im the whole billiards table was full of weed edibles, blunts, joints, alcohol, and snacks. Gus was half way through a blunt eating a bag of hot cheetos. Rawska was casually rolling a blunt straight vibing. Rayden was downing a bottle of tequila with lemon and salt while eating a piece of cande after each gulp. My three favorite men were getting fucked up and i was finally about to join them. I walk over to the table and grab the bottle of malibu. I open it and take a sip enjoying the taste and burning sensation it gave me in the back of my mouth. I kept drinking while i walked over to Ray and sat down next to him.

"So are you getting drunk or faded, or both?" I ask him.

"Dont play sis we're all getting cross faded today"

"For sure"

"Come here ima teach you how to smoke" My other brother calls from the other couch.

I walk over and sit next to him. He shows me how to do it and i try to copy him. I succeed until i started coughing a lot.

"Cotton mouth" Gus slurs out laughing.

My brothers join him and i go to reach for my bottle
of malibu. I chug a lot off it and the itchy sensation goes away for a couple minutes before coming back. I decided to just drink the whole bottle. Then i took another hit. I go to throw away the bottle and sit next to Gus on our giant black bean
bag. My head is spinning and i feel great. I rest my head on his shoulder and all i hear is Gus' voice calling me a light weight before i pass out laying almost on top of him.

Brother's Best Friend by Roxie7714Where stories live. Discover now