Hey There👋

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"Who's there, I said who is there? I would scream if you do not come out now! "

"Don't do that Laina, you would only make a fool of yourself" A calm but tense voice says from behind the boxes that are further deep In the attic, and I know I am not going anywhere near there.

"How do you know my name?, and who are you?, How did you get in here?. Come out now! "

"Which of these questions should I answer first?"The same voice calls out and just when I have had enough and about to raise an alarm, out comes the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

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Hi, I'm Laina, unlike every other kid, I'm different. I like peace, quiet, history, books and I also love isolation.

I come from a very small and simple family. My dad is a retired civil servant who now runs a farm business where he sells wool, milk, eggs, fish, and a whole bunch of other stuff. He has about 20 workers working for him on his farm.

As for my mom, she runs a mini restaurant in the heart of town. My younger brother is just 15 years old. He is the total opposite of me. He loves girls, parties, games, friends and could give anything to do away with studies.

We had to move to the outskirts of our hometown when rumors about me became unbearable.

Some say I was born dumb, others say an accident made me dumb, Many say I'm mad or mentally unstable, and many just say I am retard, in other words, suffering from mental retardation. And some conclude I'm not human.....Why?

Well, it's basically because I do not eat, act and see life as the other kids do. For example, I am 19 years old but still have no interest in any of the boys around me. I also do not talk at all when I am outdoors, I only wear the same type of clothes in different colors... Eg, I wear red today, and tomorrow I would wear blue but of the same design and style. I have no reason for doing so really. I just like it and also, whenever I am bored and have nothing to do, I just look at the sky and my fingers automatically start to drum a unique beat that I have grown to know over the years as my fingers are used to it. Just as my legs to walking and my nose to breathing.

To make it worse or better for me, my eyes... Well my iris to be precise, have a unique crystal blue color. Although my brother and others consider it to be weird or strange, my parents and I adore it... Especially me.

Truth be told, I am very capable of talking and doing a bunch of other things but they are not my type of things. And I am okay with people calling me weird. Cause well.... weird does not necessarily mean wrong. To me, it's another way of saying unique.

I sometimes feel like I am Belle. (A cartoon character from Beauty and the beast) who just like me, wants more than the provincial life her small town has to offer.

I have a keen interest in fruits and vegetables and that's all I eat. Except my mom forces me to try something new. (Another thing people consider to be weird about me)

Like I said earlier, I am not a talker. I keep to myself and I do not have a diary as you may expect. Well maybe I do but I won't call it a diary. It's a sketch pad. I am fond of relaying my thoughts and emotions through paintings and my sketch pads are my most priced, cherished, and private possessions.
So you can judge by yourself... Can that be classified as a diary?.

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