POV 2 💁💭

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Lainas POV;    

I was induced to sleep yesternight and I'm grateful for that. Else, I would have stayed up the whole night.

My wrist is sore, but my migraine is gone. My kneels feel sore but just a little.

I feel a little at peace. Of all this, one good thing came out. My brother came back to me. Now I know Luca loved and has always loved me.

I turn my head towards the blue door, as my parents walk in. My mom looks better than she did yesterday.

There are dark rings under her eyes, but she doesn't look as bad as yesterday. Her hair is neatly combed, she applied light makeup and her nose is not red. 

As for my father? He looks as elegant as always. With his dashing smile, and his serene aura.

"We were told you can come home today honey. They are just dealing with the formalities."Mom says to me wearing a warm smile, and I nod in acknowledgment. 

I keep staring at the doorway, expecting my brother to come in, but he doesn't. Where is he? My father sees me staring at the doorway, and informs me.

"Luca isn't here dear. He said he just wants some time alone, but he would be back soon.

"Honey? Your dad wants to go finish up with the paperwork. In the main time, I got you something fresh to wear.  "My mom informs.

It's then I realized that I am in a hospital gown. I fear taking it off, as she might see something don't want her to.

I stare up at her and give no reaction as I do not know what to do. She smiles at me and says

"Dear, it's okay. I'm your mom. If there is something you can keep from the whole world, you know I'm not the one to keep it from. I was your first friend, and I have been there for you. I will always be.

I will be there to find the best in your mistakes, and help you rise to form them. Laina... I am your mother. You are a part of me.

You are me, but in another form and with a different purpose. Please give me the honor of being your pillar of support through these hazardous times." She begs with tears in her eyes.

By this time, my dad had exited the room..l I can feel my eyes water. It's biting me as tears are threatening to fall.

There is no use holding them back. My mom is my better half. The woman who birthed me, and even if I try my very best not to break down in front of her, She still sees my pain.

I give up. I let tears fall as I nod in surrender to my mother's plea, and she wraps me in a hug.

She walks to the door and locks it to avoid intruders. Then,  she walks over to the bed and helps me up. My entire body is sore, making me silently curse Marcus under my breath, as I rise.

As I pull off the gown, she hands me a fresh pair of undergarments and smiles at me. A smile I dryly return.

It then occurs to me that I'm naked beneath the gown. Meaning someone else has seen me naked. The thought of being seen naked draws me back to the library. How that monster touched me, how he treated me, and the filthy things he said.

"What is it, love? "My mother's voice cuts my thoughts, with concern heavily laced in it.

"Nothing. " I reply. As I wipe my tears, with the back of my hand. I out on the top and jeans she brought me, and keep noticing bruises all over my body. Some parts hurt when I try to bend.

"Wanna ta... Talk abo... out it dear? "Mom says. Trying to get me to open up. However, I know I have nothing to talk about. I can't talk about it. It will only make the memories replay in my head and I don't want that.

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