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Rose's POV;

{Laina and Lucas mom}

A few minutes ago, I was in the living room, worried sick about my husband who had left the house since morning, and my son who I sent out to look for him.

I honestly can't cry enough to soothe my pain. As a mother, I know that whatever happened to my daughter is strongly linked to molestation and a life-threatening situation.

In 19 years of raising Laina, I have never seen her so shaken by anything. She is so scared. Too scared to even tell me a thing.

She used to share everything with me. Who could have done this to my innocent child?

I jump in fright as I hear the high-pitched cry of a cat. The cry is so loud and ear-splitting.

It's a white cat with blue eyes. Eyes that remind me of my daughter's... So blue and beautiful.

Either way, I never loved cats. So, I shuu the cat away but it stays put. I have no idea what sort of cat this is. The other cats I have ever encountered run off at the slightest movement.

I toss a throw pillow at it, and it falls off my window. I quickly shut the window and return to my thinking.

I almost jump onto the ceiling fan at the sound of the next meow. It was directly below me. How did it come in?

Before I can do anything, the creature takes the hem of my dress in its mouth and begins to pull me towards the door.

This is just a cat but it surprisingly has the strength of a man as its pull moves me from my spot.

I release my dress from its mouth forcefully. Causing a rip in my dress, and this angers me. This is no time to play with a stray cat. I am worried sick about a lot Of things and this cat dares to tear my dress!?

I can't contain my anger. I need something to vent my frustration on, and this cat looks like a perfect dartboard.

I kick the cat away, and It meows in pain. I feel bad for what I have done, but my anger and hurt are affecting my ability to think straight.

You'd think this cat would leave, but no!! It's still there sitting and staring at me. My eyes wander off to the wall beside the door. There rests a portrait of my children. When Laina was 9 and Luca 5.

The spark in those eyes pierces my soul. The magical light you see in her blue eyes. What I had longed to see throughout yesterday and today... Totally gone...

Only God knows if it will ever return. She was never hyperactive but she gave hope and light all over the house. But, since yesterday, it has been awfully gloomy.

I feel my chest heat up like a candle has been lit in it. My cheeks as well. My breathing becomes hitched, as I crash on the sofa and begin to weep. I can't recall how many times I have cried between yesterday and today.

My mourning is interrupted by a huge bash. I turn to find the twelve crates of fresh eggs I got out for my husband this morning, broken all over. Not even one crate was left.

And when I look up at the table where the eggs once laid, I see the same cat sitting there and I realize the cat broke the eggs! I have had enough!

I run to the kitchen and get a broom. Then I chase after when cat and it bolts out of the house. I do not know for how long I am going to chase this thing, but I know I will till it's far enough from my house.

I see the cat sit beside something in a distance. Oh, so this cat is challenging me? I run faster but the cat doesn't move nor run. When I approach the cat, I see it's a body that's beside it. And, when I get close enough, from the thick curly hair, I know that... It's my son! What... What happened to my son!?.

This is what the cat wanted to show me? I was so mean to it when it just wanted to lead me to my son!

I drop down beside Luca and take his head on my lap. I begin to wail like a child and just then the cat starts hissing aggressively...

I follow the cat's gaze and my eyes fall on Marcus. I had forgotten he was still around. He told me he wanted to have a word with Laina to see if he could get her to open up, as he also got attacked with her, yesterday.

What a sweet child.

Just as I see him, my husband walks out of the woods. He sees me on the floor and starts running towards us.

Short chapter💁?....

I know😪...
It's for the best😁 and quicker updates😋🤗😘.

Remember Aiders loves you💖🙌...

Don't let this be a one-sided relationship😪...

Love me back with ur votes😢😭🙏🙌💖😘

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