Sonia!? 💀💔.....

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*Contains contents that might trigger you*

Laina's POV;

I know Estevan has possessed my body. I may be weak but I am very much alert. We just saw a door and Stevan is proceeding towards the door. Fear wraps its rough arms around me as we approach this door.

For some reason, this door looks a bit familiar. It looks very familiar. But from where?

I groan as pain shoots through my body. Pain has somehow managed to become a steady key point in my life over the past few days.

We are standing right before this door. Standing still. Not knowing if to just fling it open, knock first or just walk through. After a few seconds, Estevan decides to bust in.

We walk into this partly dark underground house only to be welcomed by dust and silence. We begin to hear clangs of metal, and with every clang, my heartbeat begins to intensify.

Soon a female zombie-like figure comes out of a corner and stands there staring at me. Once she steps into the light, Estevan jumps out of my body, and his sudden departure causes me to crash to the ground.

"Sonia!? " I hear him scream.

"Who's that!? "The lady questions as she looks around, and this makes me wonder if I'm the only one who can see Estevan.

Her appearance is nothing to write home about. Her collar bones are followed by deep holes, black and huge bags are beneath her eyes, her hair looks a bit gray and highly thin. She looks very pale and malnourished.

Her clothes are falling off her shoulders. And what's more, chains are holding each arm and legs bound. The chains seem long enough to enable her movement around the house. But not out of the house. For some reason, she looks familiar.

"Who's there!? " she questions again.

"Who are you? And how did you find me!? "She shots at me.

I am about to speak, but Estevan interrupts.

"Sonia? "He calls in a questioning tone as he moves towards the now stunned lady. Now she sees him?

Wait a minute. Sonia, I have heard that name before! Sonia... She... She is Sonia! Estevan's long-lost sister! She...

I scream as my vision begins to blur, and I hold onto my bloody leg.

Estevan's POV;

I have finally found Sonia. I was just a few steps away from her when I heard Laina scream. I turn around and find her holding her leg.

"Sonia, do you have some alcohol or any menthol-based liquid in here!? " I question my sister, and she calls my name in awe.

"Stevan!? "

Just like me, she can't believe that we have just found each other. However, I'd I don't attend to Laina now, I might lose her forever.

"Sonia, please... I need something to save her! " I say to my sister as I run towards Laina who is currently losing more blood.

I hold her head on my lap as she begins to pass out.

I hear the clangs of my sister's shackles as she runs about the house. I hate the fact that she is in this condition. I look down at Laina and my heart sinks. Her eyes keep opening and closing.

"Don't close your eyes. Just... Just wait. Please" I beg Laina. Her breathing is unstable and her eyes are fluttering.

"Get me a towel, knife, lantern, or candle" I yell at Sonia, and not long after, she appears with a rechargeable lamp, a towel, and water. However, there's no knife. I look up at her with questioning eyes, and she swallows.

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