Good bye💔;

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Estevan's POV

I look down at my sister in utter shame, fear, disbelief, and hurt. I never thought I would one day see my younger sister as broken like this. Here she is cradling a skeleton, and calling it her child. What have those monsters done to her!?

"Sonia, please calm down, and look at me. " I beg her as she keeps muttering and mumbling while trying to assemble the bones.

"What's wrong? " I question my sister with tears in my eyes.

"He is going to kill me! " she finally breathes out as she hugs me. I know she can feel and see me. My younger sister is in my arms but I'm not human enough to give her the warmth and comfort she needs from this hug.

"Raymond? "I question, and she nods.  Raymond is the father of her child.

"Come have a seat," I say, as I lead her to a chair. She takes her seat and I move into the kitchen. There is no tap here but rather a bucket full of water. It's covered with a steel tray. I lift it and fill a cup o find, with water.

I walk back to Sonia and hand her the cup of water. I ask Laina if she is interested but she shakes her head in disapproval.

Once Sonia has calmed down a bit, she begins to narrate to Laina and me what happened Fifteen years ago;

"I was madly in love with that monster you know, I could have killed for him. That's how much I loved him. But he broke me. I was pregnant with his child but he never took me for a maternity check-up or anything. It was my battle and I fought alone.

On the day of my delivery, I birthed a beautiful baby girl. But there were complications. There was no midwife to help me or tell us what was wrong.

Raymond and his father didn't even help me. They just stood at a distance and watched me battle with labor.

Eventually, the child came out. But as a still-born. The greatly angered Raymond. He said I was an unfortunate mother who killed my child, and he forced me to care for the dead child.

He said she is my daughter and I must love her and bring her up. "

She loses control of her tears and begins to weep.

"Wait, you bore a girl? Did you ever have another child? " Laina questions in curiosity, and Sonia smiles.

"No. I have just been a sex toy since then. Each time I got pregnant for either father or son, it always ended up in a miscarriage due to malnutrition and constant assaults. "She replies looking at the cup in her hands.

Laina looks puzzled and I get why.
If Sonia only ever bore a girl who died at birth, then who is Marcus? I know I've always hated him because of his vile actions, but all along I thought he was my nephew.

"Then who is Marcus? " Laina then questions.

"Oh. My Marcus. One good day, Raymond and his father brought home a baby boy to me. They told me he was my son and I his mother.

Apparently, he was Raymond's child. I breastfed my little red-haired angel till he was five. And then they took him away from me. I've never seen him since.

I miss my baby. He should be twenty years old now. I would love to see him someday. He may not even remember me. But that doesn't matter. He is still my child. "She replies smiling, and I look over at Laina and I see guilt written all over her.

"Okay, let's get you out of those chains and this place. " I state as I move towards her.

"Really!? I get to leave here? Finally!? But what if Raymond returns? "She questions all at once, and the joy in her eyes gives me peace.

"That's the more reason we have to move fast. " I respond.

I place my hands on the chains and they come shattering to the ground.

"Are you good? "I question Laina, and she nods while grunting as she rises to her feet.

"Come on, let's go" I turn and say to Sonia, but I freeze on hearing a demonically familiar sound.


That familiar ear-splitting sound suddenly evades the air.

"How dare you!? " I hear that hideous familiar voice call.

I turn around and my soul shatters

Ouch! Looks like things are turning out to be a sad ending💖

And... If Marcus isn't Sonia's child, whose child is he!?.. Looks like we have another mystery on our hands😉😅

Don't worry, there won't be any prolonging of this story😅 although I'm considering a Sequel 🤔😁😘
We'll see bout that later😁😅

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