Don't LEAVE ME💔....

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Estevan's POV;

Laina falls to the ground with a shocked expression on her face after letting out a pained scream.

She lays on the floor holding onto her leg, and a little distance away, I see a cop approaching. Laina is in no position to move and her getting caught is something I can't permit.

The cop is getting closer and it's not dark enough to hide. The sky is well lit so there is no sneaking out of this.

I quickly possess Laina's body and groan as sharp pain shots through my... Or rather her whole body from the gun wound. I had almost forgotten what physical pain felt like.

I instantly switch with Lainas body, into my invisible form, and just then the cop shows up behind us. He is so close but still can't see us.

He moves forward and his right boot goes right through Lainas torso. But neither of them can feel it as Laina is now fully in ghost mode. Even my silent groans can't be heard.

He surveys the environment for a few more seconds and then walks away.

Laina is a very strong person. Her soul is comfortable with my presence so she lets me go through with what I am doing. Laina knows I am inside her, but she isn't doing anything. Her mind ain't fighting me not restricting me.

I slowly move Laina to her feet, and I grunt loudly in pain. I had almost forgotten the strength of a single bullet. That was what took my life in the first place. I love Laina and I won't and can't let her die.

Sluggishly, I begin to make her walk. We had gone a few steps till I suddenly feel Laina's spirit weaken. She is bleeding too much, and at this rate, I and her soul and spirit would be forced to leave her body. And Laina's soul and spirit leaving would mean her death.

I plead with Lainas soul to hold on a bit longer. And then I begin to float with her wounded body. We have floated a long while and staying In the air, I am allowed to see the huge crowd that is in search of her, and I shiver at the thoughts of what they'd do to her if they catch her. There is no way I will let these monsters hurt her.

I begin to feel weak as the pain from her leg is too much to bear. I increase with much force the pace at which we were slicing through the air. This act of mine causes us to move further away from the search party and deeper into the woods. I could teleport Laina home, but that does not sound like a very bright thing to do as the cops could be waiting for her there.

I scream in pain as I can no longer bear the pain from Laina's injury. My loss of concentration sends Laina's body falling and crashing through trees. I try to make our fall a soft landing but this pain won't let me. I see that we are about to fall on a very plane field of grass and I sigh in relief. But something about it seems... fake?...

We land on the ground and sounds of cracks and snaps begin. After about two seconds of listening to these violent breaking sounds, we proceed with the grass beneath us, into another fall.

The place we landed on, and a very huge space around us comes crashing down after us. I look up to see that we had fallen into a deep but equally wide ditch. I stand and my head... Laina's head is just a few inches away from the top.

This place looks human-constructed and not natural.
What normal person would go through the trouble of digging a ditch as huge, and then cover it up?

My thoughts are interrupted when I turn around and find a door! A hidden door. Someone built the top that we just crashed to hide something... Or someone!?

Short ✅
long ✖️
M sorry bout that😘
But just stay tuned cause some tables are about to spin!!! 😘😘🙌

Till next time;
Aider Cares 💖🙌

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