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Lucas POV;

I have managed to carry her home but I have no idea what to do and why on earth she is wearing a hood in this heat.

I decide to help her out, but luckily find out soon enough that she is shirtless beneath the hood. Thank God I didn't see what I shouldn't have.

I open the windows, turn on the fan, sit beside her and rub her palms and feet. Another trick I see in movies. However, this doesn't work.

I find that I  keep checking if she is breathing. I am scared she can't die. She is my sister, and I love her beyond words can tell.

It's high time I call my mom. This is beyond my capabilities. I pick my phone and place a call through to her, and she picks on the first dial.

"Hello?" I squeak into the phone.

"Hello honey, what's wrong? You don't sound too good. "Her voice says and I shut my eyes as I take a deep breath.

"Mom, nothing is okay. "I say. Not knowing how to break this news to her.

"What is it dear? Tell me. What's wrong? "Her voice says. This time, with a touch of worry.

"Mom? I found Laina by the roadside on my way home She had passed out since God knows when, and isn't waking up. "I inform not wanting to get to details as that might throw my mom into a panic attack.

"Jesus Christ! What happened? "She exclaims and questions in fear.

"I don't know. "I tell the painful truth.

" Honey? Honey? Just stay strong. Your dad and I are coming. "She says.

"Okay. Mom? Laina needs medical attention urgently. Please bring a doctor with you. I have no idea know what to do right now. "I inform and confess. An ambulance won't be able to get to us, due to the crowd from the carnival, and I'm clueless on what to do.

"Just stay strong. Your dad and I will be home soon. " She replies. Worry, very evident in her voice.

"Please come quick. I don't want Laina to die. " I mutter. My vision blurs due to the tears forming in my eyes but I hold them back. I can't break down. It's not my thing.

"No, dear. Your sister will be just fine. Just be the man of the house. Your sister needs you. Be strong for me. "She encourages with a shaky voice, and I nod.

I end the call and walk back upstairs into Laina's room. She is still unconscious and looks like a mess.

Through the bruises and purple portions on her skin, I can only imagine the pain she went through before passing out.

The heat is much for me and I'm in a shirt. She must be cooking in that hood.

I can't take it off, so I take the hood off her head.

Then I see the full view of her face and her neck. Her eyes are swollen and the skin covering them is red. Her lips are busted and chapped, I can see bits of blood in the corner of her mouth, on her neck are harsh red marks. That looks like those portions of flesh have been sucked upon.

My eyes widen as the realization hits me. It's a hickey! My heart suddenly freezes as a thought hits me. Could she have been molested?

No. God please no. Cause if so, I swear on my life that the wrongdoer will pay dearly for his actions.

The thought of this makes the wall of tears in my eyes build thicker. I wipe them off with the back of my hands as I do not want to cry, and then, I roll up the sleeves of her hood, and the sight of her right wrist paralyzes me.

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