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Lainas POV;

I run out of the library with part of my shirt in Marcus's fist, and I hear him laughing. His laughter loud enough to be heard from miles away.

I keep turning back to see if he is after me as I run. I feel my tears and sweat flow down my face as fear grips my whole body. Again.

Why on earth is the town so isolated today!?

I bump into something that sends me falling on my back. I look up to see Marcus standing before me. How did he get here so fast??  He looks like a giant standing over me.

He pulls me by my hair unto my feet. I try to break loose as I am crying but he shuts me up with his lips crashing on mine and violently sucking on my lips. His tongue forces its way into my mouth looking for ways to get my tongue to move.

I break free and begin to run again.

I do not know where I am going but my soul fuels my system as the urge for safety is all I can think about.

I soon find myself in the woods panting heavily. My soul is weary but my legs keep going.
Suddenly, the sky turns red. The shadows of the trees begin to give the woods a horrifying shadow effect.

I am forced to stop dead in my tracks when I hear Marcus's demonic laughter. Before I can turn, I feel hands under my half torn shirt, I begin to feel kisses along my neck, and down my collarbone. I look to my side to see the red-haired Marcus.

I push him away, and as I take a step forward, I fall into Marcus's arms yet again. How is he moving so fast!?

He takes hold of my shirt and rips it off my body completely. I scream and turn to my left. I take a few steps forward and I once again, bump into him.
With one hand, he rips my bra off. Leaving my upper body bare.

Too terrified to scream, I instantly turn my back to him and make to run in the opposite direction. And yet again, I bump into him. This time with one hand and less difficulty, he rips my trouser off me.

I scream as I feel hands drag me down towards the floor. I look around to see Marcus holding me at every angle. There are about six of Him if not more. Including the giant Marcus.

What's going on?
I swallow as I watch the giant Marcus undress before me. I begin to scream and struggle as he stoops down.

Like hungry Zombies, the other Marcus's begin to touch me all over. Kissing me, and struggling to hold my legs down.

My eyes widen in horror as the giant Marcus mounts me, and I scream as I feel him slide into me.

I wake up to the sound of my voice. My high-pitched scream destroying the peace and silence in the atmosphere.
I am shaking like a vibrating phone. Sweat and tears have covered my face and my clothes and pillow are fully soaked.

It was a nightmare.

Even when I am away from him, he doesn't let me be. He has also found a way into my dreams...

My door swings open to reveal my worried mother. She is in a nightgown although it isn't night. Her hair is rough with stray strands pointing in all angles.

"What's wrong dear? "She asks as she briskly makes her way into my room and to my bed.

"Nothing mom. It was just a nightmare. "I reply as I look away.

"  Another one? "She questions.

She thinks I'm talking about my normal nightmares. The dark ones.

"Yeah... "I reply simply as I don't want to talk about Marcus.

"Need me here, or I should give you space? "She questions and her words come to me as a surprise.

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