Estevans POV

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Moving Laina has been quite a headache. She just keeps staring at me and paying no attention to my words. What on earth is she thinking?

I could possess her, but firstly I swore never to do that to her, and, secondly, just like Gina said, we can't possess humans if ours and the human's wants are different. And right now, Laina's mind is scrambled.

She somehow accepts that she is a murderer who deserves punishment. She is barely moving and I can't make her move faster. At this rate, she would get caught.
We've only moved a few feet away from the mansion in five minutes! We aren't even in the woods yet!

Suddenly a familiar voice screams;
"It was her! " I turn around and see Tina standing at the window Laina and I jumped out from a few moments ago. Then cops start screaming at Laina to stop.

I begin recklessly pulling her hand but she stops in her tracks. She wants to get caught! No, Laina please don't do this. I need to get her to move!

"Listen, Laina. I know you didn't kill Marcus! I know it! It was Gina who did! And...." I begin explaining, but she cuts me off.

"I did... I killed him. "She replies in a low voice with tears in her eyes. Her mental state isn't ready for any other explanation for what happened. I see the cops running towards her, and I know I have to think fast.

"Listen, Laina, if you don't run, you just might be the cause of your mother's death! You want her to end like mine!?

My mother had to watch her daughter suffer, and then she died a sad death by the person who was harming her child all along! " I scream at her in frustration, and she looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Look, Gina killed Marcus, and she is still out there! If you let them pin this on you, we don't know who her next target is! It could be someone you care for!

Remember Luca also her Gina because he believed Marcus!?" I scream at her, and that instantly breaks her as she responds to my pull.

Her mind is a mess and her brain is scrambled. She is very traumatized.
All I had to do, was shake her out of the coma she was slipping into.

"Stop or I'll shoot! " I hear a cop scream and that's when I increase my pace Of course they can't see me but I'm scared! Here I am on the run from the cops with the woman I love and almost half the town after her life. Sure it would be a very romantic set up in one of those badass gang star movies.

Me. A ghost, running through the woods with the human love of my life under the blue moon. I would give anything to relive this moment. But without the cops, guns, and violence. It would just be me, the woods, the blue moon, nature, and my beautiful Laina.

We hear gunshots and we keep running. Jumping over holes and broken trees and startling a lot of birds. We keep running for what seems like hours and the cops are still hot on our trail.

The dark sky has vanished and has been replaced by the sheet of fresh morning blue sky and pure clouds. Also, the moon is gone.

Laina stops as she tries to catch her breath. Her hands on her knees and her beautiful brown hair covering part of her face. Is it odd that I find being in danger with the one you love, fascinating?

"I... I don't think I can... I can go any further, "She says to me as she tries to catch her breath, and I understand her plight. I can only imagine how exhausted she is.

"Of course you can. You just... " I begin to encourage till I hear a gunshot. My eyes widen in shock as I watch Laina fall to the ground.

Hey Aider lovers 👋
We are nearing the end of Once Upon A Blue Moon🗣🗣😘😘

How has ur experience reading this book been so far? 💁

Hope you loved, love, and will continue loving it😅.

What do you think happened to Laina? Is this where she turns into a ghost to be with her beloved, and Luca has to remain in jail his whole life cause no one could prove him innocent?? 💔

What do you think? 😏
Lemme in on your predictions😁
M all ears👂.

Don't forget to share this book with your loved ones and friends ❤🙌
Help a sis 🤧

Till next time😁
Stay safe💖🙌

Aider cares💖🙌💯😘😘


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