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Song to this chapter;
Soft Universe by AURORA 💔{Enjoy😪}

Just when I had gone deep in thought, I am pulled back to reality by the sound of the door opening and Mr. Gregory walks in.

"Marcus said you may go see him," he informs

"I am not here for him but my brother! " I reply in fear and disgust.

Mr. Gregory looks to the ground and swallows hard as he adjusts his tie...

"Your brother is with him ma'am," he says again

" Then where is he?! " I finally ask in painful surrender.

"Up the stairs, the sixth room to the right. " He replies avoiding eye contact with me.

As I am about to exit the room...

" I am sorry child, please forgive me for doing this... I have no choice. "He whispers with sorrow clear in his voice.

I turn back to look at the bothered man. He looks very uneasy, he is sweating and is avoiding eye contact.

I so much want to scream at him for helping Marcus in all this. But then again... I see helplessness written all over him and a part of me feels too disgusted to look at him any longer.

I eye him in hate and walk through the long and massive passage. Back to the lobby where the front door rests. My mind pictures me running out of the house but I shake my head rapidly. I can't leave my brother all for my safety...

I walk past it towards the grand staircase. It's very long and is spiral. If it moved, it could hypnotize a person.

From the bottom of the stairs, my ears faintly pick a familiar song. As I slowly climb up the stairs, I hadn't even gone past ten steps when the words of the song flood my ears ~Speak to me, speak to me, with love in your eyes... Make for me, make for me, a soft universe~

I love that song a lot but with the current situation... It only sends shivers down my spine as I climb the stairs, and it adds to the tension in my system.

It makes the fact that I could be walking towards my doom well known.

I keep climbing the stairs slowly as the words keep playing in my head ~There's ice in my water and when I drink, it cuts my tongue. There's glass on the playground. It cuts my feet when I run~

The song is very lovable when I am laying on my bed, admiring the blue moon. But it's creepy when your listening to it, walking up a fleet of stairs towards a room that possibly holds your younger brother's dead body and your assaulter in full glory...

Most of me is pulling me back towards the door downstairs, but the incredibly stubborn part of me is pulling me up the stairs.

My head begins to pound as this mental conflict is not helping matters and my stomach begins to sting. Reminding me of my lack of food. My throat feels dry and my eyes begin to ache. I hadn't had water either.

I pause on the stairs and begin to take deep breaths to calm my nerves. As everything is not feeling okay. Even my legs have begun to sway.

I feel hot tears run down my cheeks. I don't know why I am crying. Maybe because of the vibration that song is sending through my body, or for I fear finding my brother's dead body, or the pain my body is generating. Maybe I'm crying because I am about to face my biggest fear and the one thing and person I dread the most in my life.

After standing about a minute on the stairs making peace with my system and trying to build courage, I continue my journey up the stairs and I feel the song wrap tightly around my heart.

Should I call my mom and tell her I am here? I check my pockets but find out my phone is not with me. Where could it be!?

I finally make it to the door where the song is loud enough ~my body falls off the side of a bed and now I know what love feels like~

I breathe in a lot of air as if courage is in it and then after a few seconds of self consolation, I knock on the door, and just after one knock, the music stops and the whole house is submerged in awful silence. The effect of the silence is worst than what the song had on me.

This fear is nothing compared to what I feel when the door is finally opened.

The room is somewhat dark as it is lit with red lights. Stepping into a room with such poor lightning from a well-lit house with white bulbs takes a negative toll on my sight, supported by the fact that my eyes were already aching.

I know Marcus is behind the door but I don't know if it's fear that stopped me from turning or the fact that I could see someone tied to a chair further deep into the room.

I chose to ignore Marcus who I strongly know is right behind me and I run towards the figure tied in the chair.

When I get close, I realize whoever it is does not have curly hair like Luca and this person is not moving. My movements turn slow as I begin to doubt if this is Luca or If the person is even alive!

I finally get to the chair. With shaky fingers, I turn it around to face me, and only to realize it's a dummy.

The horrible, red lighting of the room increases my fear,

But worst is the sudden, deep laughter that comes from behind me.

Creepy? 😱..

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