Lucas POV

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Mrs. Wilson and I got to Marcus's house at about 10:30 pm. I rang the doorbell just twice and Mr. Gregory came to open the door. He looked horrified when he saw me. Like he was staring at a ghost. I even had to look down at myself to check if there was anything off with my dressing or appearance, except for the fact that stress has made me look like shit.

"May I come in? " I asked him after seconds of silence,

"Ye... Ye... Yes. "He stuttered.

I got in before Mrs. Wilson and turned just in time to see Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Gregory staring intensely at each other. I just looked away cause interrupting this odd eye convo seemed like a rude thing to do. When they had glared at each other to their satisfaction, Mrs. Wilson came in.

"Where is Marcus? " I question Mr. Gregory once he closes the door. Honestly, I can't take any more time wastage. I'm famished and exhausted, and I am not even with my phone. Possibly left it home.

"Mar.. . Ma... Marcus? What do you need him for? Is anything the matter? " He questions back, and I arch a brow. He seemed shaken all over and isn't doing such a good job at hiding his fear... But why is he scared?

I look over to Mrs. Wilson as this question is quite surprising and out of line... And I see I am not the only one who thinks so as this question has made Mrs. Wilson lift a brow.

"What I mean is, why are you looking for him at this time of the night? Isn't it a bit... too late? "He corrects. Probably after noticing Mrs. Wilson's and my reactions to his question.

"Well, sir... He is my best friend, and I can come to see him whenever I want... And it's quite important. Sorry if I disturbed you... I wouldn't have if it wasn't important. " I inform and apologize...

I feel he should have been asleep but he is still decked up in his suit and bow tie and it makes me feel that he wasn't asleep at all.

"Well, he's in his room... You may go see him... "He informs...

"No, call him down. "I order. I don't want to go up to Marcus's room. This is serious, and I want Mrs. Wilson to be present during the whole discussion.

"Okay, give me a minute... But first... Please let me lead you to a living room. "He replies.

Well, his choice of words is remarkable. He is right to say 'a' cause there are up to five living rooms in this mansion. Not combining the top floor.

He leads us to the same room where I was yesterday. It's I and Marcus's spot in the house. It's decorated with our pictures and all and is set just how we like it.

I watch the butler walk out of the room before taking a seat. However, I am forced to jump back up when something welcomes the arrival of my rump to the chair in the most unwelcoming way.

something pricked me! Causing me to yelp as I jumped. An act that startled both Mrs. Wilson and the cat.

"Luca dear, are you alright?! "The startled woman questions.

"Yes, ma'am... I think something stung me. "I reply rubbing my rump.

" Stung you?!  Let me see. "She says, walking up to me, and my eyes widen.

" What!? "I question in alarm. Is she asking to see my butt? No way in Hell's name is that happening!

"Oh, silly. That's not what I meant. "She says laughing as she swings her hand in the air as if trying to ward off my statement.

She bends over and picks something from the white sofa. It looks golden and like a pendant. But when she lifts it and lets it swing before me, I realize that I know what it is. It clicks immediately.

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