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When I was walking down the stairs, I was scared that Mrs. Jackson would have heard the noises Laina was making and I was so grateful when I found the house empty. Little wonder Laina got no response despite the noise.

I want to run back upstairs and strip her of her innocence. It is a tempting offer, but I can't take that risk, and at least not here.

The house is awfully quiet. There are broken eggs all over the living room floor, and the main door is wide open.

I carefully make my way out of the house.

When I am a few feet away from the house, I hear Mrs. Jackson screaming. I walk towards the place to be a hero of course... But if it's more than I can handle, I know I would pick to my heels.

On getting there, I come face to face with Lucas's unconscious body. With his head on his mother's lap who is crying uncontrollably.

But what bothers me the most is the demonic cat hissing at me. It's the same one from the library. The wounds it caused me, are yet to heal, and I am not ready for new ones.

I make to walk away before Mrs. Jackson sees me, but too late... She turns around and spots me.

I activate my acting mode and fall to the ground beside her and just then I see Mr. Jackson running towards us.

To show concern, I start shaking Luca violently and as the amazing actor that I am, tears begin to roll down my cheeks. 

As I watch Mr. Jackson makes a call to the hospital, my eyes land on something shiny a few feet away from where we are. I don't know why but I feel it would do me some good.

I can't check it out now cause of his parents, and worst of all, this ugly cat! Mr. Jackson and I carry Luca back into the house.

I know I have to leave here and plan my next meeting with my darling Laina, but if I leave right now, my loyalty would be questioned.

I pretend to be receiving a call from my father and after which I take permission to leave, saying he wants me home ASAP. They believe me and let me go.

Once out of the house, I run back to where I saw the shiny thing. It turns out to be Lucas's phone. I pick it up and head home.

My butler, Mr. Gregory, is an old man who knows his place. He helps me get away with anything. He could even help me get away with murder.

Now that scumbag is not a loyal helper as you may be thinking. He only does it so I can help him keep his job.

Being the Mayor's only son, I am the reason most of our previous workers have been relieved of duty, but I have kept that old piece of junk for 15 years now. He may be of help with Laina and me.

My thoughts are interrupted by the buzzing sound of a phone. I pick mine up but it's silent. Then I realize that it's Lucas's phone that's ringing.

When I look at the caller ID, It shows 'Tina *heart emoji *' and her beautiful picture. Honestly,  Lucas's girlfriend is really cute.

I can't believe he has her and I am still single. Lol... Not that I need any girlfriend trouble for now. Maybe when I am done with Laina, I'd move to Tina.

I know she is just 15, but damn she is plump in just the right places and her curves are enough to make a man hard. 

I can't believe only Luca gets to have fun with her. I am drawn back to reality by the annoying buzz of the phone again, so I take the call. Her sweet, innocent voice swims into my ear through the speaker;

" Hello, babe, please don't be mad at me. I am sorry for all I said... I didn't mean it... You know I love you a lot, don't you?... Please, honey, forgive me... I'm sorry... I swear I am... I know you won't talk to me over the phone... So let's meet up tomorrow okay?

You know I love you... Bye. "She says before blowing a kiss.

I exhale deeply in relief after the call. In relief that my silence didn't give me away. I am now hard from listening to her voice. Imagine what it would feel like to have her in my bed.

Innocence is indeed a huge turn-on for me. I can think of my best friend's girlfriend later,  but now I need to focus on his sister.

What a sweet irony, I am after some of the most important women in my best friend's life.

 I let out a deep chuckle and begin to plan how to finally have Laina in my bed and around me.

I laugh at myself. Only Laina has this effect on me. Her perfect shape and smooth skin... I must have it all. I must be the one to take her virginity from her.

I love seeing her cry for my mercy. I am her god at that point. I just love it. How she calls my name, how her tender hands hit me, the helplessness in her eyes, how she shakes under my every touch, how she fears me... Everything!!... I just love it all!.

"Don't worry princess. Your knight from your biggest nightmare is coming or would I say, knight mare" I think out loud as I lay in bed and let images of Laina lead me to dreamland.    

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