Estevan Pov

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Estevan POV;

"I just had to... I'm sorry Stevan" Gina whispers.

"What the fuck do you mean you had to!? How dare you!?

Thank the LORD you're a woman! You had no right to do this! Do you know how much she has been going through!? And then you went and put her through this!

What the hell, Gina!? " I scream in anger.

"Look, I won't have you blame me like this! I snuck past the border and committed this abomination.

Yes, I broke almost every rule in the book, but it was worth it. And about Laina, she already had it in mind to kill the dush bag, and I wanted to kill him too!

We both know ghosts can't possess a body if the person's wills and desires are different from ours! "She screams at me.

She is right, but she shouldn't have done this to Laina. She may have changed her mind at the last moment, but no!  Gina had to intervene and create this grievous scene!

I move towards Laina where she is cramped at a corner. She is looking at the bed in shock and is shaking all over. She is stark naked, knees to her chest, hair rough and falling over her face.

This very sight breaks me. She reminds me of my sister, and now she looks like a child who just witnessed a murder.

Which in fact, she is.

I look past the fact that she is naked and move towards her, and although Gina and I are in our invisible forms, she sights me as soon as I move close to her. How!?

To be honest, this is not the first time I am seeing Laina unclad. Being a ghost who lives in the same house as the girl I love, it's only normal to get the urge to want to see... Things.

At first, it was a mistake, but after the first three mistakes, it became some sort of normal thing.

I never planned to hurt her and I don't either. They were just random things I did because, who cares or knows if a ghost sees a girl naked!?

Laina takes hold of my arm. Which is another shock, but I'm pulled out of my head by her voice.

"I... I... I Didn't do it, Stevan, I swear... It was... It was. The last thing I remember is... Me... Standing beside a pond, about to drown me. I... Swear... I swear... Believe me...

I didn't do this Stevan... I... I just found him like this... Save me, please...I didn't do this... I... I didn't kill him... I'm not... I'm not a murderer, Stevan. Please... Please. I... "She begins to cry, sob, and choke as she wraps her bloody fingers around my arm.

I for one, I'm very confused. How come she can see me in my invisible form, but not Gina? And how is she able to make contact with me when I am in this form?

"I know, Laina. You didn't do anything, but we need to get out of here. "I say to calm her, and I feel tears well in my eyes. This time, they feel... real!

She begins to cry and stutter again in an attempt to explain to me that she honestly doesn't know what happened, but I cut her off.

"Laina, look at me. You're a good girl, right? And you didn't do this. So, get up, and let's leave.

I know you didn't do it. Everyone knows you didn't do it. But we have to go. "I console her like I would I little child, and only then does she reduce her sobs and rise to her feet. She stands motionless, and I dress her. Ignoring Gina who's still in the room with us, and Laina doesn't stop crying with he gaze fixed on the horror that once used to be Marcus.

Just when I am about to zip her jacket up, I hear Mr. Gregory scream and I hear footsteps running up the stairs.

Oh, no!
Laina can't be found here!

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